General Discussion

General DiscussionPA (((

PA ((( in General Discussion

    I despise this hero with every fiber of my being. At my shit tier this hero seems unbeatable. Even playing her makes me feel disgusting. I know no one probably cares but I needed to bitch somewhere.


      i agree , it one shots everyone


        S i l v e r e d g e
        B l o o d t h o r n
        M o n k e y k i n g b a r
        N u k e s
        L a t e g a m e


          B l a d e m a i l

          not arin

            get fucked


              play any carry and buy silver edge , more important try to position yourself and check the map with your eyes since she doesn't appear on mini map

              >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                PA sucks, but I imgine she is a god hero in 1k, so she cannot die or lose the game in that bracket.


                  She also works well in 2k as long as you know what you're doing


                    The biggest problem is positioning in my mmr. Everyone including myself doesn't know how to position against her and ends up getting dagger critted and dying instantly.


                      U dont need to position urself, u just need to blademail.

                      Dead Game, Don't Care

                        ^ 600 mmr guy knows

                        doc joferlyn simp

                          I play like shit and I've got 60% winrate with her. That should tell you something.0


                            You are right. Below 3k this hero is like a glitch in the game. No matter how good your own lane goes, this hero will find a way to massacre your other lanes and come f*** you in the ass with a single dagger, come mid-game. The only way out is to avoid her and somehow help your team-mates to not feed.

                            Or you can counter-pick her. Carries who fuck PA at below 3k bracket: Troll warlord, Spectre, Phantom Lancer, Lifestealer, Ursa
                            Mid-laners who can fuck PA: Shadow fiend, Invoker, Zues
                            Supports who fuck PA: Bane, Winter Wyvern, the list is endless if you know what you're doing

                            Special mention: Anti-mage
                            This hero gets royally fucked by PA throughout the early and mid game. However, if you manage to get the standard treads, bf, vlads, manta, abyssal build + mkb by the time late game comes, PA can't do shit to you in a 1v1


                              You need at least one magic burst dmg hero for early game. Zeus and Lina are good. But they must know not to get picked 1st by in team fights like tards.

                              Honestly in this skill bracket you can beat PA with sniper. If you amange to get Maelstrom fast.
                              Stay back and q q q in fight and pew pew pew. He has low HP pool and no bkb yet. Later make pike mkb kill her.
                              Though if she manage to jump on you she may one shot you
                              There are other heroes too.

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