General Discussion

General DiscussionIs 800lh in 30min as tb possible?(in 1vs0 lobby)

Is 800lh in 30min as tb possible?(in 1vs0 lobby) in General Discussion

    Can the people that say they got 900 lasthits in 7 minuted post actual proofs?


      my jungle sven was 40 min 600 lasthits on 4k game


        I just tried again. I got 1300 last hits in 23 mins as TB



          I'm confused. If you can farm 900 CS for 40 mins, how are you just 2k?

          I just tried this challange, and I can't do 600 LH with AM for 30 mins.


            I'm better than you all kappa
            I really need to learn to play from behind and against deathball lineups


              Because knowing the best farming pattern is not the only thing you need to get good at

                Bu yorum bir moderatör tarafından kaldırıldı


                  also jdf8


                    Funky Mr. B

                      I should try finding the image of Cookie doing it because he was trying to prove it to me it was possible. I could do it like 500 lh in 30 mins first time I tried it. Pretty retarded score but I was in disbelief that the 800 goal was achievable. He did it in custom lobby with me spectating to show me an example. Was with terrorblade in fact I think. The mark was screenshotted, finding it will be a challenge.

                      ace recovery

                        Not really. Gotta have a perfect game for that.


                          Done i have changed the topic


                            it's a practice u dont need to think of it as if it's gonna happen in real game. kinda like a dummy to practice ur moves on instead of moves it's farming


                              Challenges like this are pointless because the goal of farming shouldn't be able to acquire as much cs as humanly possible. In real games you want to balance efficiency with applying pressure on the map, being prepared to join fights that break out, reducing safe areas your opponents can farm in and opening up safe areas for your less capable allies to farm.

                              When I play safelane I don't really farm particularly efficiently but I am consistent and I know how to force rotations which is a much more important skill to know than being able to rinse the jungle every two minutes.

                              Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                Why am I seeing feeds on cutnpaste's recent games

                                doc joferlyn simp

                                  account buyer confirmed


                                    Match 2655698979

                                    This game is my record for highest last hits on a hero. 767 LS in a 73 minute game on a TB. I know there could have been improvements but 800 in 30 minutes is a bit too far fetched I believe. You can try it in a passive bots game just as an experiment but that won't improve your game sense, just your last hitting and microing skills a bit. High GPM (1k+) farming takes a lot of map awareness and game sense that takes years to develop and train. Its not just about mechanical skills.


                                      I don't think these "challenges" help you at all. You can only get better by playing because 1v0 lobbies doesn't give you pratice because the circumstances aren't real.
                                      A normal game there will be people contesting you, gaming, counter pushing.
                                      Also, cs is not that important. Focus on towers not creeps if you can.

                                      Dune, the Desert Planet

                                        If GH can do this in a solo ranked game: maybe he can do it.

                                        There is also that game where Envy had ~800 LHs as TB in 40 mins.


                                          thing is, by doing the challenges and being able to, in a perfect 1v0 world, farm perfectly efficiently, it means u don't have to think abt farming patterns and such, and can devote ur time to doing and thinking abt the things cutnpaste said like applying pressure. if u can farm like a monster, its half of the puzzle solved, the rest is game dependent and more situational, like how/when u can apply pressure.


                                            what road said,

                                            p.s you're not forced to do these nor do i care about your opinions on why you don't want to do them

                                            just because they're not game realistic doesn't mean you won't apply them in a real game, it's way easier to downsize it to a normal game level once your brain automatically farms without thinking.

                                            and besides, i'm not forcing you guys to stay low mmr forever, you're doing this to yourselves guys.


                                              idk about what ppl think but i will still do it for practicing farming pattern and other things


                                                am I just road now?
                                                I thought I'm still daddy but now people just call me road


                                                  hi road, bye road


                                                    Road lul


                                                      I'll still call you piece of shit 1k indian retard


                                                        thx fam