General Discussion

General DiscussionAnother ultimate hero

Another ultimate hero in General Discussion

    WR yeah this girl i feel she is so much underated, for me she still looks strong on paper as well, her skill shot deal over 400dmg always when i get chance play her i laughing hard how much dmg that spell do, really no kappa ita only my games or you not see her at all as well?
    She is perfect to meta, short cd, plenty of dmg, ulti with huge potential.Ultimate escape, which is just ridiculously strong early-mid game.
    What do you think about her in 7.xx?


      i played vs a guy who get six slotted magical build and it was not very good actually 400+dmg in team fight late game don't mean much vs pipes/bkbs

      the old build thou is still good


        She needs an aghs to have low cooldown

        I like her but she's pretty underwhelming


          1 solo mmr LUL


            Ofc agh is core, blink as well for me...than you land yor stun ez