General Discussion

General DiscussionThe definition of 2k and below.

The definition of 2k and below. in General Discussion

    I was playing Invoker and feed because of a try hard alche. After feeding pugna and drow we still win. This bracket is a cancer indeed.


      Ur the cancer fucking shitstain for feeding
      I sincerely hope u have a kidney stone that rips the inside of ur penis when it comes out.


        And WK's item build gives me aids.


          Haha, man I am not serious in this account. Then why they are pubstompers in 3k below bracket it's still the same situation stomping noobs in 3k below and a feeder player, they both ruined the game.


            are you trying to justify your shitty behavior?


              If a try hard alche won you the game, what are you?
              You are the exact definition of a cancer player.

              Bu yorum düzenlendi

                Stupid shitstain. Uninstall your Dota, noob.


                  Gtfo and kys please. ty


                    Your place is low priority.


                      Hahaha, why so serious guys. Do you even know you're forever scrubs? Haha. Move on and learn something outside dotes. I don't mind throwing, feeding and abandoning games because I am starting to quit this dota.. After I see losing streaks, reports and lp games In my profile it makes me feel releived of this dotes! Go try it, dont be a "forever scrub".


                        Even better if not in dota at all. Good thing you will never be good enough to be matched with me in dota

                        Autism ehk endassesulgumus on pervasiivne arenguhäire, millele on iseloomulik psüühika hälbinud ja/või kahjustatud areng ning häirete avaldumine kolmes valdkonnas:

                        vastastikuses sotsiaalses mõjutamises
                        piiratud stereotüüpne käitumine
                        Autismile peetakse iseloomulikuks inimsuhetest eemaldumist ja nende asendamist omaloodud fantaasiamaailmaga, suhtlemishäireid ning tavalisest erinevat maailmatunnetust. Autismi esinemissagedus on (2008. aastal Euroopas) 1 laps 150 lapse kohta ja poisslapsi tabab see haigus pea 5 korda sagedamini kui tüdrukuid. Järjekindla õpetuse ja tegelusraviga on võimalik aidata autistil arendada igapäevaelus vajalikke oskusi, kaasa arvatud oskust suhelda. Paljud autistid jäävad aga terve elu jooksul sõltuvaks pidevast kõrvalisest abist.

                        Bu yorum düzenlendi

                          Get married guys, get out of dotes, unless you're 7k and up and has potential to defeat miracle in mid. :D


                            @inx4c what match? Can I benefit with what you mean? :D :D


                              see dude , you dont mind feeding throwing trolling and being an asshole because you find this fun but others mind because they want to win/have fun

                              if you are not willing to win then simply don't play nobody force you to

                              also what is the connection between being a 2k dota player and being useless/no-life in the community irl , i am engineering student yet i am not good in dota so?


                                Prolly an another 15 year old crying cause he sucks at the game lol.


                                  @HueHueHue I have a 4k account/vhs . How about you? Forever ns?

                                  @the rider can you read?? I am quitting but not instantly, this is my way of quitting the game. Nobody force you too to stop me what I am doing.


                                    4K vhs player has 39% winrate in 2k bracket lul


                                      Got 4k account but smurf NS?


                                        what is wrong must be stopped , this is common sense .
                                        you wanna quit , just press uninstall button , ez no need to ruin someone else day


                                          @HueHueHue as what I have said I am throwing games.. Pls learn to read first.

                                          @cy yes this is smurf too, after this smurf I got 4.1k, then I gave this acc to my friend. Satisfied?

                                          Shikanoko Noko

                                            yeah this bracket is cancer and you the reason why its cancer


                                              I have a 4k vhs smurf that I lose every game with because 4k is not my true mmr and people there feed so I will log into my 2k main and feed because I have a 4k account and will make a thread on dotabuff to show people that im cool vhs boy.

                                              Président® Salted Butter

                                                Get outta here with your game-ruining bullshit. Go play mobile legends or something and throw there. It's better for the community that way. And btw, 4ks are still trash, so fuck you.


                                                  Thank you for motivating me guys. I'm so inspired with what you guys have said, keep in touch i'll be posting more good feeding results here. Haha

                                                  Président® Salted Butter

                                                    Hey Skim, can you guys delete threads like this?

                                                    mr. rabbit

                                                      @Skim im not salty for u banning me when i impersonated you but i'll be really salty if this thread doesnt get locked/deleted

                                                      im a sensitive young boy and ive memorized and ingrained the Dotabuff Code of Conduct to heart and this is not approved by law!

                                                      Président® Salted Butter

                                                        It's like a person bragging about how his dick is like a god's but he's actually just 0.5 cm above the average. Come on.


                                                          God's got a dick? :thinking:


                                                            Need that block function right about now.

                                                            Président® Salted Butter

                                                              Plot twist: Skim only appears when someone impersonates him or says the n-word or worships the dude with the greatest kda of all time and a cool moustache whose family name starts with H