am is one of the best melee safelaners during the laning stage i think
He's pretty trash in lane you have to have good lane supports. Shit lanes like AM+rubick lose games. If you want to survive early game you have to have good ally picks that can help you through your weak stage.
first your team must pick a zoning support first like skywrath so you can farm safely and secure kills.
when you start the game think like this (who are the members of their team that can kill me with their combos (lets say nyx+pudge) so you watch the map and whenever they are missing play safe) , also if 3+ of their team on one side of the map immediately tp to the other side and start pushing
don't underestimate int heroes because you can destroy them , if they got the first jump early-mid you are done for good.
in some matches the enemy team get advantage and start camping your jungle/lanes , if that happens rotate to their jungle and farm since they 90% didn't think about warding it.
never initiate in fights and wait for the big ultimates (laguna blade-finger of death-death scythe-chrono) to drop before jumping on the back-lines
hope that help
Am is trash in late game, and also in early game. His Pike is in midgame during Huge Farm advantage. Am will lose in ultra late game scenarios vs Most other carrys.
Very dependent on how the laning stage goes. Could be why u rarely see am in normal skill games despite the hate. He usually doesn't do well and is easy to shit on The flip side is that late battlefuries can still win games because people don't know how to end fast enough.
Can be quite a strong laner if u manage to outplay the offlaner and burn all the mana.
buy poor mans shield then ring of health then treads, that way you would be tanky enough to harass and take their mana and they will be scared, for me AM is only good if the enemy has large amount of mana pool.. just make sure they wont get linkens because if they do youre fucked
Am is trash in LATE game but he is scary in midlate game , he can get 6 sloted by 30min mark when other carry get 4slot
You're pretty much fucked if you can't outfarm the enemy carry and they're pushing you in 20 minutes
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We all know how am is good at Late game.. but he is very weak in early game, how can you survive or how can you play him from early to late game?