General Discussion

General DiscussionIs ember still good at 3k+mmr?

Is ember still good at 3k+mmr? in General Discussion
Mr. Jin

    I was wondering if spellcasting ember with veil, maelstrom still good? I tend to melt supports relatively fast with that build but I mostly get assist but not kills. 😖 no money to buy end game items.


      Judging from the stats dotabuff gives, it is still viable, just less effective. The whole point of magical build is that it spikes faster (veil + spell increase talent) and offers high killing potential early. But with that said, it still requires high level of mastery to pull it off effectively, maybe that's why it doesn't look so effective at lower mmr brackets.

      Mr. Jin

        I mean it's good. Becuz the spell dmg is really high. But most of the time I don't get the kills. I only get 7 kills but I got 21 assist. Should I save fire remnant for KS?

        1-IceTea 🌟

          ^Keep the mentality and you won't even enter 4K flat which is noob af


            ember is the kind of hero that requires your team to kinda know how to play around. 3ks playing like 3ks probably wont change the way they fight to enable ember to be really effective. usually its just 1 or 2 spells that does nothing and the fights over.


              i don't understand why you even think his inability to 'ks' is the reason ember's not that great in 3k. lol

              ace recovery

                Yes he is

                Mr. Jin

                  I contribute alot to the team fight but I don't get gold out of it. 😥


                    Play supp and feel it first..