General Discussion

General DiscussionIs it worth ganking if you're a mid hero or not

Is it worth ganking if you're a mid hero or not in General Discussion

    Say you're playing Storm, TA, or SF, would you gank or stay in lane, and farm camps? Storm probably has the best ganking potential, so what about TA and SF?


      iirc ta is first and foremost a ganking hero. using psi blades to farm is really good for farming, but its mainly for flashfarming stacked camps or big groups of lane creeps

      i mean her kit is basically tailored for ganking, and her slow is one of the most potent in the game, to mention one of the pros of her kit. youre 5k you prolly have a good idea

      but one of the biggest factors in ganking is the target and the circumstances, rather than what hero you are using. if youre something like a dk, who generally farms whole early game rather than being active. but then as dk you have an invis rune then for sure you could go for an outply in mid or just gank another lane, rather than staying passively farming

      tldr situational


        iirc ta is first and foremost a ganking hero



          idk if i remembered that correctly but i was watching bsj/some high mmr player and they said ta was better off ganking, makes sense as well

          one syllable anglo-saxon

            why are u constantly asking 2k questions on a forum full of 3ks being 5k


              Plot twist = He's the 1k SEA guy with the same profile picture borrowing his friend's account


                Also I won't try to answer because every single person who have seen me play mid are on chemotherapy right now


                  If a gank opportunity arises I think you should always take it on pretty much any mid hero, that being said against good players this kind of situation will be quite rare. Instead you are generally better off farming and holding tp for counterganks.


                    Well if your teammates have much disables then Y NOT? there's a high chance that your gank will be successful if there are many disables.


                      those hero u mention are really farm-oriented heros in early-mid game (10-15 mins). ganking potential only exists in normalskill, where i would say you definitely should gank as mid because there's so many opportunities but no one sees them.


                        why are u constantly asking 2k questions on a forum full of 3ks being 5k

                        that's something i'd like to know as well