General Discussion

General DiscussionWeird question for when you're focused when playing Dota

Weird question for when you're focused when playing Dota in General Discussion

    When you're really focused, and you're not talking on anything, if your mouth is closed and relaxed, do your teeth make contact or are they slightly apart? I'm curious which is more comfortable and helps you play better. Very random question xD.


      I'm not sure in my case since I don't notice and I dont have any mirrors near me when I play.


        rofl but you can feel it? xD You're looking at your screen and playing dota anyway

        Bu yorum düzenlendi

          im sure its different for everyone


            open mouth means ur jaw is weak if ur not watching something which make u open jaw


              Slightly apart with mouse closed


                i dont even know
                an interesting question btw (not joking)


                  I am naturally a leader in team orientated games and activities in general, so I am never so focused I couldn't see what's happening and lead my teammates. Unless high. In that case, mouth wide open


                    i have no idea. But i imagine i just make stupid faces the entire time i'm playing. It's reason #121 why I would never stream.


                      Mr.Bluestar this is hilarious i thought this is a joke but not 😅

                      casual gamer



                          resting bitch face for a male

                          mr. rabbit

                            now i will be more self conscious while playing this game. thanks


                              Usually my jaw is trembling because of my super cold AC and i only wear underwear
                              Here comes a new meme

                              Président® Salted Butter

                                Nicki in undies KreyGasm

                                Président® Salted Butter

                                  And yea, my teeth are apart unless I'm eating something xD

                                  mr. rabbit

                                    confirmed that my teeth are apart as well, with my tongue touching between them


                                    1-IceTea 🌟

                                      teeth apart,mouth close cool claim face when focus


                                        Teeth apart, mouth closed, tho sometimes i breath thru my mouth

                                        AntiSocial Keyboard Warrior

                                          just using a mask, very simple


                                            teeth apart, tongue out, dick out. eyes closed


                                              teeth apart, mouth closed. not just dota, coz i dont rly play it that srsly ever, but in general all the time.