General Discussion

General DiscussionSpammed SB. And now 4 K.

Spammed SB. And now 4 K. in General Discussion

    Finally.. Have been in 3.7-3.8 region forever it feels.

    Chao Vritra

      very nice

      Story Time

        very nice party mmr though :D makes u quite attractive for party games!


          Meanwhile I'm still a 2k shitter who whines about 1v3 safelane every game


   indeed is pub stomper


              wow! great job ethan, keep it up, proud of you


                yep sb is ez mode to win mmr i think. press one button, if needed press 2nd button. gg win.

                Agent 47

                  whats sb? spirit breaker?

                  Dire Wolf

                    yes spirit breaker


                      Sb is not that good anymore, trust me. I used to like this hero a lot but he becomes shit lategame if your ganks are not perfect and he has no way to farm efficiently. You won't survive long at 4k, maybe a couple of days at most. Soon you will return back to 3.8k.

                      Bu yorum düzenlendi
                      also jdf8

                        sb is really good


                          i suggest taking a look at how this guy plays sb.
                          he spams SB and has 6.5k much same early items every time (tranqs+midas)

                          you can probably make it to 5k if you keep playing SB, hes stupidly good atm.


                            16 wins - 1 lose since I started play him more serious. Why not go on with that? And ofc I can play more heroes.


                              Meanwhile I'm still trying to first pick AM to 4k for the memes


                                Some people in here cannot understand that someone enables his mmr on his profile when he is at his highest and then disables it and has it like that forever even if he drops 500-1000 mmr.