General Discussion

General Discussionfirst pick is bad idea

first pick is bad idea in General Discussion

    I'd first pick CK then Medusa appears holy fuck


      yeah generally its a bad idea to first pick a carry


        and again i pick alche then no support fuck dota player

        fear is the mind killer

          first pick a support

          Dire Wolf

            Depends on the carry. CK and WK are probably big no no's, necro somewhat cus of AA, nothing else matters than much.


              U never play ck with his ilussion with medusa ulti

              Président® Salted Butter

                First picking sucks unless it's first pick abaddon



                  Honestly I never have issues First Picking CK vs Medusa, Its always Ember that ends up fucknig me. I wni the game by 25 Minutes only to have them stall out until Ember gets huge or a Divine Rapier. To rape medusa you go Manta, AC, BKB, Skadi. You BKB off slow etc... Manta to trick her into early ulting. and AC so that once you get through the Mana Shield you hit like a fucking truck. Skadi to counter. hers.


                    First pick aba or sb can never go wrong!


                      ^What? Game's I've played, Ember gets big in 14 minutes. Bigger than most mids anyway.
                      BKB does nothing against Dusa's ult.

                      Dire Wolf

                        I don't think ember is a ck counter any more since cleave changes.

                        Idk if anyone has ever picked medusa vs my ck, they probably don't realize, but people pick earthshaker every damn time.

                        Wraith king is worse though, so many nyx pickers. He fucks you way more than AM. I've had teams intenttionally kite me in team fights waiting for nyx to get off 3 mana burns so I won't res. 4s cd on that skill is stupid. I've also had lions max mana drain first. AM isn't so bad, you can get bkb and he can't really kill you, just drain all your mana.


                          The first pick should be a support.

                          The only carry to FP is probably a jug.
                          He fits in any game, any line up.

                          That is why i hate him.


                            unless it's shanghai in which case you first pick huskar dazzle


                              >Implying that draft matters on sub 5k


                                First picking easy to counter heroes especially cores is a good way to learn the game
                                You're forced to play outside of your comfort zone and find ways to play around your counters


                                  You're whining about trash teammates, lmao do you expect delusional people who create a new account to cheat their way to a bracket they don't deserve to be nice and cooperative?

                                  Dire Wolf

                                    I disagree, pub players are all generally bad but equally so. Having a gigantic advantage like AA vs necro really tilts the game too much in one teams favor without really learning anything except how to land/dodge those ults.

                                    Certain heroes sure like first picking weaver or AM. Makes you versatile. But their counters aren't as definite as AA vs necro.


                                      But if you are first picking a carry, probably means you are spamming and so you are much more skilled than the rest of the bad ones, so all in all you should be winning.


                                        The thing about Ember is that he is 2 shotted by CK early game and even late. Most Games are won pre 30 min mark as CK. But once he does get his items at 20 min he stalls. Either your team Silences him and you push Rax or they don't and he stalls till about 40 min. Otherwise Ember sucks(vs CK)
                                        As far as medusa goes the ONLY thing that makes medusa viable vs CK is the Ult. Same goes for EarthShaker. I never have any issue with either of those heroes. You go BKB Echo Slam = Shit. You go BKB Medusa ult is Shit. Medusa's Slow is countered by BKB. The Stnoe Gaze is not so you just don't look at her(her damage sucks). but it is really just used to negate the rest of the teams disables. The moment Medus'as ult Ends you Ult, Rift Chaos Bolt for the remaining 2 seconds of your BKB and rape the bitch. Same goes for WK. He sucks dick vs CK.

                                        Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                        Dire Wolf

                                          What if medusa holds her ult til you ult? And earthshaker isn't about surviving the dmg but about how your illusions amp all the dmg done to your entire team plus your illusions die wasting your ult.

                                          >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                            I spam support and first pick about 95% of the time, and hold a 60% win rate with Omni. Get on my level.


                                              Only hold 60% winrate with omni*

                                              Optimus Drip

                                                I first pick techies pretty much every game


                                                  AA counters shit like huskar and alch more than necro, cuz necro will just hunt aa down, with aghs ulti he can blink initiate on aa and just remove him