General Discussion

General DiscussionWatch minimap when fighting

Watch minimap when fighting in General Discussion
Cheap Laugh Guy

    Should I start training on this aspect? Is it legit?
    I easily get caught up in a fight and focus too much on the camera I rarely get a bigger picture


      Do both
      Also incase if some nigguh tries to rat you'll know it

      doc joferlyn simp

        when fighting as 5v5, forget the minimap watch the whole fight and try to understand what is happening so you can act optiamlly given the situation. however if its just a small or partial skirmish like each side has 3 or 2 heroes fighting, check the minimap so that you know the movements of both your teammates and the missing enemies

        like what bws said if someone is ratting, if your enemy then youd react to the rat by tping there, or if your teammate you will know to just hold the fight for as long as possible and save stuns to cancel tps to buy time

        generally tho always check the minimap like every 5 seconds or something similar, main point is check the minimap for hero icons and shit. its a good habit to have in any game which involves map navigation

        1-IceTea 🌟

          I look at minimap for half second before I join any fight and predict enemies mmr movement at the same time - after that I join fight and without looking at mini map until the break (chasing/running phase)

          Bu yorum düzenlendi
          Cancer Malaria

            But then the enemy has PA, which allows her 3rd passive ability to be invisible in the minimap, good ol PA spammers

            Player 345068850

              ^i remember i lost to a PA ratting cuz she wasnt showing on the minimap lost like 2 sets of rax becuz of that.....

              Cheap Laugh Guy

                ^You can cover that with Announcer reminding you towers being sieged but the hero's speech gets annoying at times.
                That's an edge PA has, but I think 1600 range in a fight where she can't cast her skills on you is enough.

                I guess map checking in a fight is legit based on everyone's view. Alright, I'll try to pick it up as a habit.

                Player 345068850

                  ^Try replacing the arrows of heros on the minimap into helps me alot as it tells me wad heros are where without moving my camera theres. Goodluck:)

                  Bu yorum düzenlendi

                    In spread out fights its important to check the minimap so you can see if your team is still close enough to help you out or if its time to gtfo.


                      I only look at the minimap. That's how you play dota. You only watch your own map when you click around (then fast to minimap), to target spells (fast to minimap) and to last hit (fast to minimap). Something like that.


                        except 8k+ players i haven't seen anyone completely track the teamfight + minimap at hte same time, requires way too much brain power

                        one syllable anglo-saxon

                          its rly exciting to try and watch the whole teamfight on my 1280x1024 screen
                          especially when im playing long range heroes like sniper lina or jakiro

                          oh wait


                            how the fuck u fight if watch minimap when u farm solo and split push or play miid then watch minimap

                            >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                              Do both. In a 5 v 5, the minimal is ass. But any other time keep your eyes on the map to see what kind of fight you are about to get in.

                              If there are games where there are no wards, help your team out, spare the 65 gold. I have had a few games as MK where they become 5-man carry games, and I just roam and buy wards here and there.

                              >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                It's just 65 gold. That is literally 1lh. Well, 1 last hit and then wait a few seconds and you will have enough for 1 ward.