General Discussion

General DiscussionTalon Anti Mage

Talon Anti Mage in General Discussion

    do you guys think iron talon is a good item on anti mage considering it stacks with qulleing and am doesnt really have a way of killing large camps in the beginning?

    mr. rabbit

      Its been a thing for a while now


        i know, I have been doing it for a while, and just want to hear other peoples opinion on it

        doc joferlyn simp

          get aggressive duo'd and unless youve got two defensive supports in your pocket you wont be able to make use of your investments

          mr. rabbit

            Yeah in a free farm lane u can easily kill large camps from lv 3 and have enough damage to not skip at least 3 creeps from a wave

            doc joferlyn simp

              in a hard lane or if you dont have that much heals on your side pms is still the best way to go imo. especially since the enemy will gladly miss out on farm just to hit you, just to see your health bar drop with every click they make

              mr. rabbit

                ? I got 2v1'd by a dazzle weaver but it doesnt matter because i have 150 damage + talon damage against creeps. Not to mention u get 2 tree cutters and ur farm is almost doubled

                Had like 38 cs and pms quelling talon boots of speed roh 10 mins but i still got an 18 min fury (wc i wouldnt have gotten cuz i suck :v) and ended the game with 1k gpm

                Bu yorum düzenlendi
                mr. rabbit

                  Also u still get pms 100% of the time i think

                  doc joferlyn simp

                    were u, by any chance, smurfing?


                      Nah it was on his main I saw that game on his profile
                      Yea it's been a legit thing for awhile, at least in the dotabuff community

                      mr. rabbit


                        this was 2953 average pt mmr, i dont smurf anymore because my 1k acc is on lpq and this account's mmr isnt much different from my main so i might as well raise that

                        doc joferlyn simp

                          lmao good shit man, i dont have words for the weaver and dazz

                          mr. rabbit

                            weaver was the tink from my last game too where i played axe and lost, felt good trashing the fuck out them when they kept on all chatting when they were winning

                            i still have them muted

                            Cheap Laugh Guy

                              Hell I buy Iron Talon for Gyrocopter just to jungle
                              You can buy that shit on anything as long as you're jungling

                              BSJ. LGD

                                safelane into jungle rush talon qb pms blight only works on melee heroes that attack fast eg. low bat heroes/troll/lc/, if you are not those heroes you will need gloves because you attack like a snail. you also need some kind of regen. you can achieve insane gpm in the jungle if you kill ancients as well

                                note you are forfeiting tower pressure if you do this but its probably decent if your opponents have strong roamers but they might smoke you in your jungle then take your mid tower soo.... XD