General Discussion

General Discussionspectre? i need to know!

spectre? i need to know! in General Discussion

    guys, is spectre good atm? is she still can rekt some ass? if it is. gimme her build pls XD (starting to late game build). thanks :*

    1-IceTea 🌟

      She have a solid 58.1% winrate and you asked in forum she good or Nah?

      I know you are 2k even without open your profile

      Bu yorum düzenlendi

        Underrated in pubs
        Trash in actual meta (pro scene) because cooldown reliant unless its ultra lategame and requires too much time to come online


          PMS good most games
          Phase boots for chasing, treads for farming
          Urn when ahead, then radiance if you have space
          If you need to fight early go badman build (magic stick diffusal manta) or just get domi
          Manta is braindead mandatory for every game
          Add up agility/raw attack speed if you can get alot of solo pickoffs, add up raw HP if you're against 5 man lineup and shit out dispersion damage


            Refresher if you need more haunt uptime (example = against global presence lineup)

            1-IceTea 🌟

              I hope you know
              I won't pick her


                Spectre jungle min 20 vanguard without boots new meta


                  I would say she is perfect till 2k,games are long as fuc.k (not my fuck) just dont pick her if you have already picked AM or another early game super useless hero


                    Isn't it scary once you see a spectre have rad? i once had a comeback playing spec with rad at 35min (i fed alot) but definitely won the game at 50min-ish


                      If you started slow, got some decent pickoffs which makes you transition into the midgame smoothy although you built cost efficieng items (drums, diffusal, magic stick, etc), getting late radi is fine, but dont even try to go for radi first item if you're doing like shit
                      By the time you have radi that way your enemy team would already have 20k networth lead or shit