General Discussion

General DiscussionWhere to recruit/find players (competitive)?

Where to recruit/find players (competitive)? in General Discussion

    Currently need a Pos 1 to fill in the last slot for my team but so many sites and forums are dead. Tried reddit/compDota2, gosugamers, playdota, joindota, dotafire and a bunch of other sites but they all lack activity and I haven't gotten any response in the past few days. So does anyone know like a good site/discord/place anything to find players? Preferably SEA. Thanks!


      Your pub games.


        I would play with you but you are way too high...


          probably find someone from the SEA LEADERBOARDS add an tell him your intentions


            @Cookie not everyone in pubs wants to play competitive tho :/

            @Desolation don't know how to add people from leaderboards + a ton of them are already on teams


              try your luck in doing random stacks for battle cup i suppose you are in tier 6-7 ? maybe you'll find people there


                We're tier 8 but ye I don't know all these processes seem kinda random? Just thought maybe if there was just a site or something where it'll be easier to connect players looking for teams and teams looking for players.

                1-IceTea 🌟


                  Edit : more e to fill the required of minimum words

                  Bu yorum düzenlendi
                  1-IceTea 🌟

                    There are still ton of player from leaderboard that don't have team


                      Yes but how do you contact someone who's on the leaderboards? :/ Also I need players from Singapore only so it kinda makes the pool even smaller :<

                      Player 404335202

                        Hwo do u keep ur name blank? Please tell me that xD

                        i have 5 reports to use



                            You move out from sea go to eu and form a team


                              @Innocent^ just google for how to make your name blank. There's tons of different symbols like [ ุ ] or some just look like squares but appear blank.

                              @lul usually need a full 5 to play inhouses tho.

                              @Desolation not really able to do that... like move halfway across the world....

                              1-IceTea 🌟

                                Don't limit yourself on Sg, sg don't even have 5 player that good enought for pro lul.

                                Even Mysia Mushi also go to form a team in phlipin land.
                                GG philpina xD


                                  @IceTea but we wanna join some local LAN competitions so it'll be hard to include other countries because they won't be able to participate in those competitions, only online ones :/


                                    isn't jo from singapore?


                                      sad man but don't lose hope maybe just lower your mmr req. singapore is a small state lowering standards maybe would increase chances of getting a teamamte

                                      1-IceTea 🌟

                                        ^Keep spamming in channel of Sg about it, it will help you get some 5K+ group at least

                                        My cousin is there and hes a local competition star when its still Dota 1,not sure is he still dotaing or not xD

                                        Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                          Jo is from Singapore

                                          1-IceTea 🌟

                                            whos jo?
                                            Jojo amazing adventure?






                                                  Have you tried asking them?

                                                  Just because 1-2 pubbies dont want to go competitive, doesnt mean the rest dont


                                                    @IceTea yea but currently our whole team is all above 6k and if you really wanna win something and go somewhere I don't think 5k will cut it.

                                                    @Cookie I've asked some, but won't be asking everyone because not everyone I meet is good :/


                                                      ^are 5ks really bad?


                                                        Add the first 10k. Kappa


                                                          Online ones are the only ones that count anyway