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General DiscussionSimple question

Simple question in General Discussion

    Simple question and need simple and exact answers please from high mmr guys out there

    How do you win games when you have a feeding team and against well organized enemy team which usually goes 5 man strat while ppl in your team still try to fight 2vs5 or 3vs5 sometimes even 1vs5 and feed ?

    Bu konu düzenlendi

      you split push and likely you don't win no matter what you do.

      Not Saske

        send nudes

        just take a puff

          abandon lulz kappa


            short answer is splitpush, but i'm 100% sure no one below 5k will tell you why you splitpush exactly, because they don't know.

            and the definition is quite complicated, so i won't tell it to you either.

            just know that you need to splitpush and force enemy to waste time.

            WITHOUT DYING.

            Bu yorum düzenlendi
            casual gamer

              also tell ur team to sit on hg if theyre useless and feeding


                Split push and use jungle.


                  you split push 1) it gets you farm and solo expirience 2) when you splitpush you pull the enemy around the map trying to kill you and push back the lanes you've shoved in. 3) if the enemy is pushing your highground and you can't fight them you should have a lane you can push to their highground and either force them to backoff or take a trade. A big part of splitpushing is trying to delay the game so that your team can catch up.

                  How did I do cookie


                    Not always but I usually win early game hard (of course in my bracket)

                    But problem is when enemy start going 5 man and my team initiate stupid fights and start feeding then game turns around from there and i cant seem to get the advantage back. Enemy snowballs hard from there and the game is lost. Even if i try to split push i can not push fast enough to compansate the fail of other teammates since enemy starts destroying rax and ancient until i can do theirs before them alone

                    Maybe i suck at split pushing and should work on it


                      i remember the answer to that split push question


                        that's 1 part, the other part is forcing them to show on lanes when they're in ganking(that's the reason your team is probably feeding them)

                        meaning if you constantly push, and they dedicate to a gank, push or teamfight

                        you can always jump into a lane and take their tower.

                        but to do that^^ you need to be already splitpushing and constantly keeping track of the 100% kill heroes on their team.

                        but there are times when enemy has advantage and you don't want to splitpush, aka when they have multiple guaranteed kill heroes for which you can't make an excape plan.

                        then you have to use different methods.

                        or against those lineups when your team is feeding and you have jungle, then you go farm the jungle instead of splitpushing so you can get fat and remove those guaranteed kill heroes from the threat list.

                        there's a lot of other reasons, but those are the simplest

                        p.s when you have an incompetant team in low mmr, they're never gonna catch up, they're only gonna keep feeding.

                        don't ever expect that they're gonna start suddenly using the space to do something worth wihile, your job is to delay the game enough that you're 6 slotted and enemy has 1-2 items only so you can just run in 1v5 them.

                        Bu yorum düzenlendi
                        CAN I HAVE NORMAL GAME PLS

                          this sort of thing happened to me earlier as storm... we were against a very coordinated team with tryhard picks in unranked (necro, veno, earthshaker, slardar) and they were basically just in our mid for 10 mins. I couldnt split push because my team cant stall and my earth spirit kept following me when I do. I knew we wouldve had a chance if it weren't for our kunkka salt last pick because he wanted to mid when I was already mid. If we had something like an AM, he would literally have 10 mins of free farm and our enemy doesnt even have a proper carry, in fact they had a hard time pushing our t1 mid until they were basically so ahead. the only thing that even kept me in the game was because the enemy tinker was fucking terrible

                          Bu yorum düzenlendi

                            Just give up let the enemy destroy your ancient, get over it and look forward to your next match and the next couple of matches and win it.


                              I was just about to say what a dogshi.t Cookie is but than i scrolled down and actually saw his second answer.
                              Good bait Cookie

                              Also my answer is split push, just dont know reasons couse im under 5k.


                                Split pushing is complicated tbh. I think if i knew when and how to split push properly i cudve won so many games over a good rax trade but when i do splitpush i never had the lanes already shoved in so i cudnt do it fast enough.