General Discussion

General Discussion7.04 update

7.04 update in General Discussion


    * Hurricane Pike recipe increased from 250 to 500
    * Silver Edge recipe increased from 300 to 500
    * Ghost Scepter cooldown reduced from 25 to 20
    * Sange and Yasha proc chance increased from 35% to 40%
    * Heaven's Halberd cooldown reduced from 22 to 18
    * Slippers of Agility are no longer available in the Side Shop

    * Centaur: Stampede Scepter damage reduction reduced from 50% to 40%
    * Monkey King: Primal Spring slow rescaled from 40/50/60/70% to 30/45/60/75%
    * Monkey King: Spring winding up sound effect can be heard by nearby enemies
    * Magnus: Base attack time increased from 1.7 to 1.8
    * Magnus: Reverse Polarity cooldown increased from 120/110/100 to 120
    * Abaddon: Strength gain reduced from 2.7 to 2.5
    * Abaddon: Mist Coil projectile speed reduced from 2000 to 1600
    * Lifestealer: Base damage reduced by 2
    * Keeper of the Light: Base damage reduced from 43-57 to 43-50
    * Brewmaster: Drunken Brawler cooldown reduced from 16/14/12/10 to 13/12/11/10
    * Nature's Prophet: Level 10 Talent increased from +225 Health to +250
    * Nature's Prophet: Level 15 Talent changed from +35 Movement Speed to +4 Treants Summoned
    * Razor: Level 20 Talent increased from +30 Attack Speed to +40
    * Razor: Level 20 Talent increased from +275 Health to +325
    * Death Prophet: Level 10 Talent increased from +10% Magic Resistance to +12%
    * Death Prophet: Exorcism spirit damage increased from 55 to 58
    * Queen of Pain: Shadow Strike cast point reduced from 0.452 to 0.4
    * Phoenix: Level 15 Talent increased from +120 Gold/Min to 150
    * Phoenix: Level 15 Talent increased from +50 Fire Spirits DPS to +65
    * Kunkka: Level 10 Talent increased from +25 Damage to +30
    * Kunkka: Level 15 Talent increased from +20 Movement Speed to +30
    * Lycan: Base strength increased by 3
    * Arc Warden: Strength gain increased from 2.3 to 2.7
    * Lone Druid: Level 15 Talent increased from +30 Spirit Bear Damage to +50
    * Ancient Apparition: Cold Feet manacost reduced from 150 to 125
    * Broodmother: Insatiable Hunger lifesteal increased from 60/90/120% to 60/100/140%
    * Broodmother: Insatiable Hunger damage increased from 60/90/120 to 60/100/140
    * Bristleback: Quill Spray AoE increased from 625 to 650
    * Puck: Base damage increased by 3
    * Lich: Chain Frost cooldown reduced from 120/90/60 to 100/80/60


      rip cent


        +4 treants


          Treants memes coming back :D


            Shit I can't play tonight..200 MB update. Have to sleep today at 1pm (so fast) :(


              The biggest change is no slippery in the sideshop imo. I'm glad they upped the cost of the recipe for that force staff range shit and sliver edge. But imo silver edge recipe should be 1000. 500 is still too easily affordable after the ultimate orb

              white boy summer

                wy aren't they naming these so minor patches as 7.03b or some shit? this patch isn't so gamechanging aside from nerfing luxury items and fucking up magnus


                  It's a big change. They fucked abaddon too. And a few others. What's more, they buffed krobe too!! That shit was already good but now she may be OP. I hope pros dont mass pick her or ill have to stop playing her :(

                  Bu yorum düzenlendi

                    Phoenix getting some more luv <3


                      no slippers rip offlane ez fb actually

                      Bu yorum düzenlendi
                      Ghastly Wail

                        Really like the Death Prophet, Broodmother and Lich Buff :)


                          thay change mmr from 3.5k?


                            Btw, with that slippers change now I'm definitely not gonna let people bottlecrow


                              why so much hate agianst silver edge. THe items already like one of the worse upgrades in the game. Its stats and a four second cooldown reduction for 2650 gold. Unless you need the break its so bad.

                              Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                Slipper change is actually pretty crazy


                                  Imagine a 1k team with no courier!! :(


                                    Because it's too easy to go for silver edge. Too attainable. Anyone can go for it after sb and it won't destroy their progress. Making it harder to go for it will limit the players spamming it. And it's a rly good item. Just not worth it everytime. As it was, one would not rly care, just get it. Let's see how it is now.

                                    Dire Wolf

                                      rip cent cus of a 4 second buff with aghs? lol mk. Pretty sure that's only one small reason cent's win rate is so high.

                                      I agree the slippers nerf is biggest. Now for wraithbands you have to buy all three items from base and aquila is now all but one.

                                      Those recipe adjustments were needed, both those items are massively good for the money. Idk why they keep buffing s&y proc chance but not really making it a better item for ranged period.

                                      Nice little lich buff, might play him some more.


                                        The problem is that its only slightly better than the 2700 gold item it builds from. It's price almost doubles and it is only slightly better than having a shadow blade. In contrast I can buy an echo sabre and get way more value for the same price.


                                          ÞñÆ 15 minutes ago
                                          thay change mmr from 3.5k?

                                          i think no


                                            rip pms


                                              like its almost better to buy two shadow blades than to upgrade to silver edge, just looking at what each item gives you. I'm not saying you should buy two sb, thats dumb but se is barely an upgrade.

                                              The DarKNovA

                                                Yeah, because break can't completely fuck up a hero that relies on passive skills, or help you manfight against anyone 1v1?
                                                And +15 to all stats can be a decent addition on certain heroes.


                                                  Wait, they buffed Lycan?
                                                  And I don't get why do they feel obliged to not hurt Druid too much. Like every nerf needs to be partially compensated by a buff on this piece of shit 20 seconds respawn time garbage when there are basically pieces of shit heroes rotting on the bottom and they get +2% magic resistance at level 10 or not get touched at all.


                                                    wait this is real?


                                                    Dire Wolf

                                                      First +15 stats. PLUS FIFTEEN. That's 50% more than the ult orb. For 2600g. Also gives 8 more dmg. That's like 57g per stat. Wraith band which is incredibly cheap is 40g per stat. Skadi if we pretend 225 str and 250 mana is worth 20 more stat pts is like 60g per stat. So it's a pretty decent upgrade.

                                                      But really what it does is it takes a utility item in shadowblade, which is a really nice item but has garbage stats for end game, and with an upgrade, in a single slot it becomes end game item and you can keep it. Imagine for example blink dagger had for 2700g +15 stats on it. Everyone would get one. Cus now you don't waste a slot just on mobility, you have stats too. Silver edge is 45 dmg and 45 IAS for any hero, which is pretty good stats on an item, and great on a utility item.

                                                      Slots are the real limiter in dota2 or everyone would just buy a billion iron branches.

                                                      Pale Mannie

                                                        but is it better than 6 treants 🤔🤔🤔


                                                          People still insisting on playing MK as a roamer. LUL


                                                            4 brood buffs in a row


                                                              every patch nerf mk. make him good so everyone will buy arcana then fuck him up in every single update. im wondering what he gets next patch.: mk utimate can;t hit heroes anymore lul pls valve.

                                                              Forget me not

                                                                They are trying to bring back the bear lone druid. That magnus nerve though.

                                                                Forget me not

                                                                  So how we are supposed to play mk now if not as roamer?


                                                                    yeah I'm not saying that silver edge is completely worthless. It is definitely worth it in the late game and it's nice as an item for it's slot efficiancy and keeping shadowblade relevant. It's just that the upgrade in total really doesn't give you much benefit. I guess what they are trying to do is to make the upgrade more something like pike, where your going to buy this early game item but come late game its really not that good so were going to give it an upgrade that makes it worth keeping the item.

                                                                    The DarKNovA

                                                                      You're right on the majority of games, but then there will be situational games where getting SE can even be a priority for you (Timber, PA, etc strongly ahead on enemy team).

                                                                      Dire Wolf

                                                                        Most people don't get the upgrade unless they need break right away or are slotted. In which case it's fantastic. Every slark build I've seen is treads, echo, shadowblade, basher, skadi, butter, silver edge, abyssal upgrades or something like that.


                                                                          yes I know that there are games where getting silver edge is really good but if you don't need it for the break there really isn't a great reason to upgrade it because it doesn't really give that much more than a shadow blade does.


                                                                            unless of course you're in 2k where slarks either rush silver edge or they rush echo sabre and then build moonshard.


                                                                              treants were buffed only because mastermind icefrog planned to buff splitpush three patches later


                                                                                +4 treants! Not as good as +6 treants but it's a good start.

                                                                                I find it really egregious that you can't see the value of a Silver Edge when your most played hero is Phantom Assassin. I mean, it's not like you are seeing a lot of games with either no heroes with strong passive abilities or heroes whose passives aren't too important. You are playing one of the heroes which SE fucks up the most, specially now that break can't be purged with magic immunity. Apart from that, you've been given enough explanations as to why SE is actually a decent uprade, so if you can't still see why...I...won't say anything else, I like not being an asshole.

                                                                                white boy summer

                                                                                  cuz that's what the item is for, to break passives. like for 2600 gold you get 15 stats without taking a next slot, make bb/timber/pa/ other passive heavy useless for 5 seconds (which can hurt these heroes more than a silence). it is not always a consideration, but thats the point: you don't just mindlessly go for one build and stick with it, that's why they nerfed a lot of upgrades in the previous updates. like u can complain about linken not blocking aoe spells but it's not what it is for

                                                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                                                    oh moonshard slark might be legit idk, but you need echo and shadowblade first


                                                                                      silver edge is basically 15 stats for 2700 gold with a couple of other decent things thrown in. This item isn't really worth it unless you are pretty much six slotted or you need to break a passive. Which is why I don't really think it needed the recent nerfs that it got.

                                                                                      Chao Vritra

                                                                                        no slippers, interesting...always thought it was a bit unfair when you can not get gaunlet


                                                                                          actually I would say that silences hurt pa and timber more than break because both pa and timber have ways of kiting heroes with their spells and the break doesn't prevent them from killing you.

                                                                                          The DarKNovA

                                                                                            Thinking from an other perspective: Silver Edge recipe gave you +5 stats, +8 damage, 4 second lower cooldown on invisibility AND the skill: break for 300 gold (before this patch).
                                                                                            Pretty nice bargain, I'd argue.


                                                                                              PA can crit when silenced. Not when break is applied to her, even if she pops BKB.

                                                                                              Also, Silver Edge isn't really the answer against Timbersaw. It doesn't purge the armor he's already gained before Break.

                                                                                              Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                                                That's the whole point! x2^

                                                                                                Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                                                  but pa can still blink and throw dagger to kite so break is useless unless you can keep in range of her.


                                                                                                    in all my pa games I don't think I have once worried about a silver edge or lost a game because someone bought silver edge.

                                                                                                    The DarKNovA

                                                                                                      I don't think you would say the same when some permabasher jumps on you after having SE'd you. And it's not like you can always jump away, especially if you confidently dived with jump and that's the moment you get broken.
                                                                                                      In that case, you're just an underwhelming hero for 5 seconds.


                                                                                                        Gosh slippers of agility :-(