General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy do I keep losing games?

Why do I keep losing games? in General Discussion
I Give Ladies Anal

    lmao it is funny that most of people who trash talked here are just shit. I mean look at those players with 2 KDA and 300-400 gpm and xpm. Fucking dogshit, all they care about is their mmr while the system is absolutely broken. I appreciate people who didn't talk shit here. But for those who did, realize that your winrate nor mmr does not fucking matter especially if you play as a carry mostly. You are like a Brian Scalabrine on a Boston Celtics team that won an NBA title, and I am a Carmelo Anthony on the NY Knicks that never won an NBA title but real basketball fans one is shit and one is really good.


      You're shit


        Maybe i shouldve titled my "a bit about analysing" "how to get better constantly and gain mmr ezly" instead :thinking: :thinking:

        Bu yorum düzenlendi

          GPM and KDA are not indicators of your ability to win games. often times the best way to take a fight is to commit in a way where you might die, is it better for you to get two kills and get out but have your 4 teammates die, than to wipe the enemy team but die yourself?

          If you're in games more than 500 mmr lower than your skill, you'll notice that you win games in spite of your shit teammates. it'll be extremely obvious you're in the wrong bracket. I can get multiple solo kills in mid every game in normal skill, and I'm not even a mid player.


            I bet i could watch every single game you lost and tell you 30 reasons why, and I'm not even a good player.


              1. You say you have good KDA, ofcourse you have ( not really ) when u play carry and not pos 5 venge suport

              2.You really are bad and should watch pro replays

              3.Change nickname
              4. Dont be so cocky and admit ur bad


                Your front page heroes kda are all 3ish. How the fuck is that good to begin with. Lol have you seen real 6k player carry dotabuff? Take a look at cut n paste.


                  And you have a 41% wr. Again. If u can't win. You're no good. Maybe in pro dota you'll see people make the same comment as you mentioned in pro basketball when an individual talented player can't win tournaments but he is really talented player. That's entirely different to you, a shit tier scrub who can't even win playing with babies.

                  Even so if you wanted to be really harsh you could say the pros talents are useless if he can't win tournaments with it. After all, that's all that matters.

                  2k = DOG !! admit it dogs :)

                    1. Dota is a game where you have to look within and inspect your own play if you want to improve.

                    2. Solo queues you will on average contribute 10% to your teams fortune in any give game as there are 9 other players in every game.

                    3. Occasionally the other team will be so well synergised nothing you do will prevent defeat.

                    4. Likewise you will stomp out a fair few teams - "GG COMMEND ME PLS 10-0-3" - those times where you said this was actually more likely down to the enemies arguing and each effectively playing 2k worse than their MMR.

                    5. Like Carmelo you are ringless but thanks for the entertainment!


                      You are really good, keep on trucking mate.


                        Yo cutnpaste would u add me on another acc (dont got id) later on so i could ask u some questions?

                        Kantong Kering

                          Hey, 1k player here. I've been playing Dota since 2003 (remember Warcraft III: Frozen Throne?), and I still play like shit now. So, yeah, experience doesn't equal with skill.
                          Also stats.
                          Good stats doesn't always means good skill.
                          Skill is skill. It's earned by learning. Have you learn anything from your game? If you can't analyze your own game, I recommend you to use another source of information. IMO, Youtube and reddit has all the answer of how to be a good player.
                          But, sometimes, you just can't. You can learn all the theory, practicing every day and night, pubstomping in bot game, but you will always playing in normal skill bracket. One day you'll realize you're not Carmelo Anthony on the NY Knicks, maybe you're just a regular Joe who can play basketball.
                          But, hey, maybe I'm wrong. I don't know. Find out the answer by yourself. Cheers.

                          doc joferlyn simp

                            14 years man? really?


                              Add me and find out koala man.


                                Dont crush the boy's dream bc u didnt achieve it :(



                                  i would add but my phone is broken & i got steam gaurd so whenever u got a tiny time i would appreciate if u add this one : 377109982

                                  Kantong Kering

                                    Yes, fam. 14 years and counting.

                                    Haha, yeah. Real life sucks. Keep dreaming and don't wake up. :)


                                      you playing pub games, which is cancer at NS bracket

                                      get your ass to ranked first to see what you really can in doto boy


                                        realize that your winrate nor mmr does not fucking matter especially if you play as a carry mostly

                                        in a thread called:

                                        why do i keep losing games?

                                        also necroposting in 2k17, sad


                                          You are shit just like carmelo