General Discussion

General Discussionnp first item ac

np first item ac in General Discussion
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    Its good idea :thinking:

    Use chatwhell=mute

      But why u sold it. Ac is still good item for push, farm

      casual gamer

        i was just talking about np being a bad hero

        the issue with early ac is that 1 it costs 5000 gold and 2 u have low hp in the early game. because u have low hp and early damage is 90% nuke u get little benefit defensively

        offensively deso does more for your push

        id rather have blademail + force + blight than ac


          I've gone skady and it works but cuirass... you don't rly have dmg

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            Idk. But ill try in pub next time. My plan is get ac ~10without any other item. Farm->split->repeat. I know hero should have impact. But sometimes refuse help early game and not feed entire team is fine.

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              Btw jdf8 playing offlane would give more mmr than mid/carry/support? .Imo offlane is good role to improve :thinking:

              casual gamer

                offlane is great

                if ur far better than ur opponents mid is the best but other than that u can climb with anything

                when void was good i spammed the shit out of offlane void and later omni and underlord. ez mmr

                Ghastly Wail

                  Back in 2013 Boots, Shadow Blade, Desolator and 3x MKB worked for me.
                  Try that :)

                  Bu yorum düzenlendi

                    phase pike bloodthorn

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                      Stay tuned. I'll post about this or comment

                      Use chatwhell=mute

               fuck it hha. i feed early game i ogt scolded by ppl. but it was fun :D. they they underestimated me btw