General Discussion

General DiscussionAghanims Scepter for Zeus

Aghanims Scepter for Zeus in General Discussion

    Zeus main here- with almost 70% win rate but im gonna ask the others if buying aghs is still worth it

    Aghs Scepter:
    free global ministun and 350 dmg for 4200 gold worth it or should i buy better items?

    I usually buy aghs after getting veil and dagger.


      I like getting Aghs if I have a split pusher on my team. You let your guy solo push highground while you defend 4 vs 5 and when they are forced to TP to defend their base you just blink in and cancel TPs and then your team just rolls over them.

      Aghanims is also good in team fights especially defending highground. If you're behind you can tell your HotD carrier to cut creep waves with your nimbus cloud.


        i think zeus aghs is really good now

        Fox McCloud

          Hey Hellsender, as a Zeus main yourself, would you agree with my disliking of Aether Lens on the hero?

          The added damage is negligible, it robs you off your Arcane Boots, and it delays Veil, Blink, and other more important items. The added cast range I feel is not worth it.

          On Aghs on Zeus, I feel like it's situationally good if you happen to have a solo split-pusher/ganker on the team, which happens to be a pretty good playstyle this patch imo.

          If youre teamfighting a lot, Bloodstone, Octarine, Hex, and RO are just better items for the money as your "big" items.