General Discussion

General DiscussionShadow Shaman 7.03

Shadow Shaman 7.03 in General Discussion

    Guy got 18 more base dmg and the best lvl 1 right click damage of any range hero I think.

    weird change. why would they do this? anyone played him since

    guppy god

      its so he'd be a half decent hero again, he can trade a little better at the start of the game. he was never really picked in the pro scene recently cause everything he does some other hero does better.
      his q is half decent dmg that falls off fast, his hex is way to mana intensive to spam and worse then lion's, his channeling stun is impractical in team fights and his ult got pointlessly nerfed


        Then the rightclick shaman will be working. Buy desolator and cuirras so the pushing performance will be more efficient lmao


          I had 120 matched with him and got 70% winrate...


            Better at soloing towers (because of the aura armor change). Wind lace helps cut the ms and attack range disadvantage in the early game to allow him to trade better.

            He is a decent enough support, but his other skills fall off late game. (Blink hex and wards versus dead enemies are all still good though)

            Illusions are annoying and are pretty good versus his wards.

            I'm sure pros will find the best way to play him.


              I can only see him being used for pushing, cuz thats the only thing snake wards do, they r rlly bad at teamfighting. Maybe contesting rosh with them? He is like a worse lion, and pushing isnt needed in this deso heavy, teamfighty, meta.


                @cy 120 matches with 70% winrate in high 2k bracket. What a nice thing to brag here bruh