General Discussion

General Discussionplease tell me what im lacking as a supp

please tell me what im lacking as a supp in General Discussion

    can someone check my games and tell me what im lacking as a support? and also tell me how to get rid of 2k as a support. it would be appreciated


      Pick silencer bruh!


        how your playstyle? Roamer?? or anything else

        DOOM: ETERNAL is now playing

          now im not the best person to give advice about supporting...but i love to act as if i know stuff... so here we play **ssy supports my dude..... you play shadow demon and dazzle and omniknight and lion and witchdoc this was good a couple patches ago but the meta has changed man try jakiro try sandking...silencer is a great pick try to think of new supports to play because the supports u are playing now no longer work no matter what you think or how good you are.... second of all most of the time you can counter two or three enemy heroes with one position four support so always think about picking 4th or even last ... u see an enemy antimage u go to his lane with sand king and u keep stunning him every time its off cooldown... u see enemy weaver and invoker and enigma u pick silencer and make them cry... u see an enemy slark u pick elder titan and build euls and blademail.... abaddon and alchemist you pick ancient apparition ... third u have to buy smokes but dont use em for no reason.. learn to use smokes effectively and dont smoke into a non warded area ... smoke to get a kill on a hero u see and get out... and buy as much sentries as you buy observers.... always consider the enemy support to be as competent as u are and always think that he will ward so buy sentries just for the sake of dewarding not just to counter invis .... fourth u have to learn ur synergy... u pick ogre into a team with high right click damage and no disables .. u pick shadow demon into a drow strat or a luna not just for the sake of picking him...... i dont play kotl at all so i dont know what to tell u about him...........fifth you have to learn ur safe spots in a team fight for every hero... for example the safe spot for ancient appariton is like 2 screens away from the fight which is the place where he can cast spells and stay away from jumpers and stuff like that..... the safe spot for a sand king is literally any foggy area on the map u hide till next stun and jump back in stun sand strom then immediately walk back to hide.... a safe spot for dazzle is just behind his cores where he can heal both him self and cores whil his cores can help him if he gets jumped......and last but not least u must learn what ur team needs.... like every team needs like 2 reliable lockdowns and some team fight presence ...push and anti push and lastly carries learn to pick what ur team needs the most... for an instant if there is no lockdown in ur team and no teamfight... dont pick tidehunter... pick sandking.... while if ur team has lockdown but no team fight tidehunter is a way better pick....................u can also learn alot by watching some guy on youtube called professor fierce .........also dont roam.... its over now ... a strong lane support is always a better option now
          try visage... he is cool


            wards and dusts and smokes too


              only checked a few games but some of the sentries you placed seemed to be just waste of money - try to understand where your opponent has vision or where you definitely don't want your opponent to have vision.

              also die less. It sounds stupid, but just trying to die less will help a lot. Think there are lots of things that any support can do though, so I suggest to look up more guides that apply to all supports/players and you'll improve from there.


                now im not the best person to give advice about supporting...but i love to act as if i know stuff... so here we play **ssy supports my dude..... you play shadow demon and dazzle and omniknight and lion and witchdoc this was good a couple patches ago but the meta has changed man try jakiro try sandking...silencer is a great pick try to think of new supports to play because the supports u are playing now no longer work no matter what you think or how good you are.... second of all most of the time you can counter two or three enemy heroes with one position four support so always think about picking 4th or even last ... u see an enemy antimage u go to his lane with sand king and u keep stunning him every time its off cooldown... u see enemy weaver and invoker and enigma u pick silencer and make them cry... u see an enemy slark u pick elder titan and build euls and blademail.... abaddon and alchemist you pick ancient apparition ... third u have to buy smokes but dont use em for no reason.. learn to use smokes effectively and dont smoke into a non warded area ... smoke to get a kill on a hero u see and get out... and buy as much sentries as you buy observers.... always consider the enemy support to be as competent as u are and always think that he will ward so buy sentries just for the sake of dewarding not just to counter invis .... fourth u have to learn ur synergy... u pick ogre into a team with high right click damage and no disables .. u pick shadow demon into a drow strat or a luna not just for the sake of picking him...... i dont play kotl at all so i dont know what to tell u about him...........fifth you have to learn ur safe spots in a team fight for every hero... for example the safe spot for ancient appariton is like 2 screens away from the fight which is the place where he can cast spells and stay away from jumpers and stuff like that..... the safe spot for a sand king is literally any foggy area on the map u hide till next stun and jump back in stun sand strom then immediately walk back to hide.... a safe spot for dazzle is just behind his cores where he can heal both him self and cores whil his cores can help him if he gets jumped......and last but not least u must learn what ur team needs.... like every team needs like 2 reliable lockdowns and some team fight presence ...push and anti push and lastly carries learn to pick what ur team needs the most... for an instant if there is no lockdown in ur team and no teamfight... dont pick tidehunter... pick sandking.... while if ur team has lockdown but no team fight tidehunter is a way better pick....................u can also learn alot by watching some guy on youtube called professor fierce .........also dont roam.... its over now ... a strong lane support is always a better option now
                try visage... he is cool


                  can someone check my games and tell me what im lacking as a support? and also tell me how to get rid of 2k as a support. it would be appreciated


                    thanks guys, especially to @sadsolosupport and @skim. I'll try choosing the best support to counter enemy heroes, and also to master them. yea i feel like im really struggling at dewarding, so i think i'll have to improve my decision making and also my map awareness. Lastly i'll try to play safe as possible and to position myself better.


                      Dont die
                      Solar crest is your friend
                      Win every lane for ur team = gg


                        lol, you need to stop dying


                          Have you tried destroying the enemy ancient?


                            stop being a support and be like me


                              Have you tried not afking in lane leeching xp?


                                Steal nothing while contributing as much as you can to everyone
                                Don't be the guy who sit on the lane sucking xp, do pulls, and throw some spell occasionally and think you're doing a fucking good job

                                commend me pro support

                                Don't single pull easy camp unless you want to push the wave


                                  What you lack as a support? i think you just lack of experience.