General Discussion

General DiscussionOfflane got nerfed and it is hard to not feed the enemy now when you ...

Offlane got nerfed and it is hard to not feed the enemy now when you are solo. in General Discussion

    Due to the creep changes, you no longer get level 2 after the first creep wave. This screws up a lot of offlaners and makes it even more difficult to truly play the position as solo while you have a babysitting support bottom and a roamer (the true way which this patch is meant to be played in pubs imo). Some examples:

    Centaur - Usually you want to go Return first because if the lane is horrendous you could always just jungle the 2 camps by the rune. But the problem with this is that if this is a decent high mmr pub like 4.7kish and above, you can't just abandon the offlane. If you abandon the offlane, then the roamer or second support in the safelane will go and gank your mid or safelane and cause them to feed. So you actually have to have an early presence in the lane to "pull" the enemies to your lane to make space for your mid and safe. Therefore, you would go get level 2 fast and now you have a stun to escape the gank and return to jungle but now it is much harder to get the level 2.

    Dark Seer - You could just double ion shell the creep wave and hide in the trees and get level 2 off the first wave and now you have Surge to escape any trilane gank pretty easy.

    Slardar - You would go Sprint or Stun level 1 depending on the lane setup but to truly not feed in the offlane, you would require both, stun and sprint away, or start sprinting, be caught and then stun to make space to get back to the tower.

    Abaddon - Shield level 1 of course, you could put it on the creeps to clear the wave fast or put it on yourself to ensure the level 2. Then with the level 2 you would get your Mist coil so if you are jumped in the lane early by a strong lane you could deny yourself using Mist Coil and not feed first blood.

    Tidehunter - Pretty much unlaneable vs. high mmr tri lane now. Same concept as Centaur. Needs a Anchor Smash + passive to be able to safely stay in XP range in the offlane.

    Sand King - Also pretty hard because level 1 sandstorm is horrendous for jungling so you need caustic but u cant go caustic level 1 because u have no escape from the gank, so stun is ideal.

    Underlord - First point in Firestorm to farm the wave quick and get level 2 for pit of malice to stop the gank and get away. Can't do that now.

    Magnus - Becoming a pretty popular offlane hero but if you go level 1 Skewer and are zoned out, how are you going to get empower to jungle? Basically you have to start with empower and hope for an easy dual lane with the roamer starting somewhere else on the map or doing some 2k pull on the first wave.

    Nyx - The exception. Still very tanky with good health regen and both carapace + impale are great escape tools but if you are offlaning him you are forced to lane because he can't jungle at all.

    For those of you that are going to ask why not just always jungle the first 2 camps in the beginning and get a quick level 2. Sometimes you get shitty camps like 2 centaur camps right away and you don't want to use the shrine during the first 3 mins. If you don't show up in the lane right away, the enemy roamer like Pudge, Bounty, Riki, Earth Spirit, Maiden, Ogre, or Spirit Breaker will just come to your shrine and sit on the highground and soak your xp, or wait for you to get low and try to kill you with the other support. Also if you aren't in the lane to begin with, the enemy supports/roamers will just go and triple gank your mid or safelane which will cause them to tilt, feed, etc. and lose the game. Even if you don't show in the lane and the enemies don't roam on your other lanes (which rarely happens in high level games), the enemy safelane carry will have almost perfect CS and keep the lane almost always near his own tower which doesn't allow you to get ANY XP or GOLD during the downtime when your 2 camps by your shrine are down.

    Basically not being to get level 2 off the first wave is the biggest FUCK YOU to solo offlaners I have ever seen. That is all friends.

    Ghastly Wail

      Sry but thats waaaay too much text.
      Really :x


        RIP ez mmr. They nerfed shrines too.


          lets just hope roaming will become useless cuz you dont wanna see earth spirit have 2nd lvl on 8 minute

          Negative Mental Attitude

            maybe ur just bad


              All the points you mentioned I agree with, especially the importance of level 2 for the select heroes you mentioned. However, the offlane has never been this strong in years and years of dota. In fact, I believe its the new safe lane. I can tell from my own experience playing safe lane carry is way harder than offlane now. Besides, dual offlane are much more in favour this patch than solo, even though I understand the importance of the offlaner's rush to level 6. Despite it being my favourite role, I understand the reason for the nerf, and I think its fair considering how many options the hero in this position has now.

              Optimus Drip

                techies solo offlane got killed too. early prox mine damage is very shit, then its harder to get 1-6 which is your most important levels


                  stupidity, go jungle at lvl 1 if you can't enter the lane without dying.


                    id rather duo off or roam with lv1 blast off as tech now, u cant even get the 30s lv 2 anymore cuz mines2shiet


                      Nice analysis, OP. But what my team always say when I die offlane is, "Play safer"...

                      As an offlaner, your priority goal is to get exp. So just lane...
                      Get last hits if you're certain you're not going to die.

                      Bu yorum düzenlendi
                      Cheap Laugh Guy

                        Supports will have a harder time getting lvl 2 too
                        So wouldn't they have a harder time killing you with only one skill?


                          not if it's a 3lane with 2-3 stuns/slows

                          something like pudge + slark + cm will kill you no matter what level they are


                            @Cookie : what you do when 1 enemy support stand in front of your tower (zone you out) and 1 enemy support siege at your shrine and jungle (contest your bounty and jungle) do i haave no choice but stand at the tower with lv 1 in 5 mins?

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                                      interesting :thinking:


                                        Tbh if ur against a lane which will kill u if u dont have lvl 2, and u r worried abt ur mid, send ur own support to counter gank/gank mid. Then jungle for lvl 2 and go lane. Imo tho they will usually be able to kill u no matter what if they can kill u at 1, then they can kill u at 2 for most of the heroes u mentioned.


                                          didnt read a single word


                                            good post OP
                                            I have experienced what you described as above. It is tough when the two supports basically chase you around. Sucks.

                                            Usually you just gotta hope your safe lane is crapping on the enemy offlaner.
                                            eventually you will get some xp and farm.

                                            At least in my MMR, they will screw up the lane EQ and farm will come, at the very least XP