General Discussion

General DiscussionItem build for sf midlane

Item build for sf midlane in General Discussion

    I have a few questions regarding starting items and item builds along the way.
    How to determine whether the starting item should be wraith and two branches or wraith and faerie fire.
    Is bottle necessary for sf mid lane because sometimes I do not get it if I don't find Regen a problem.
    Is dragon Lance still the go to item for a ranged core.
    Answers are much appreciated.


      Do go dlance. Pretty sure the sf build is wraith band + branch + branch or sub in one branch for a faerie fire.


        In my honest opinion dragon lance is now more of a situational item, for example against lifestealer it's good to get hurricane pike, whilst against others you might not need it. Now to bottle, i would recommend getting it, so that you can poke/nuke opposite teams midlaner with razes as they are kind of high mana cost for low mana pool hero.
        As of wraithband + gg branches or faerie and gg branch, that's just a personal preference, the difference in dmg/stats is kind of small


          tango potion bracelet 3 branches! Harrass early levels instead of last hitting then follow with razes. If he's gay just outfarm him.

          that's one way to play.


            get bottle for nuke the jungle camp bcs the bounty rune help so much


              I would get band of eleviskin( or whatever that green colour band is, which makes dragon lance) and a pair of tango and one branch. Get bottle and then get dragon lance before boots, no aqulia. Then SB or blink and then situational items.

              Bu yorum düzenlendi

                eul, dagger, ahg, pike, bkb
                shadow blade, pike, bkb,butterfly, satanic


                  buy whatever


                    idk, but from what ive seen people build its wratih band + brances -> boots of speed -> bottle -> wand -> treads + aquila -> dragon lance -> (shadow blade) -> hurricane pike etc..


                      I go wband branch feiry then bottle boots wand aquilla treads shadowblade dlance then depends on the game


                        Just go euls scepter and win the game