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General Discussionlosing interest

losing interest in General Discussion

    Not just because of 7.00--now that I've stopped habitually playing for a while I haven't found myself having a desire to play Dota 2. Anyone else feeling the same?

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      nope is too short (minimum is 6 characters)


        Last match 5 MONTHS AGO
        If i feel anything its a constant raging burn to play dota. Not even on the absurd level i used to play, but to just play one game i wud be elated.


          take a break for a long time , go back when ur in mood

          1-IceTea 🌟

            GJ Salza hope you found a better hobby


              Yeah, I try to play but I get bored now, losing the feeling that I used to get with this game.
              Csgo has been fun, and waiting for some releases this year, prob getting close to being done with dota but who knows

              Impulsive 3k addict.

                I wish.


                  i wish also, but im tryhard too much :(


                    Yeah same here, i can't wait for a new patch i think a lot of players need some big changes again couse we playing same game many years, talents are very welcome, every player would say that, of course finally something new, i would love new map or so


                      I get bored of dota easy playing solo. Partying up is really the only thing that keeps me going. Just playing in the company of friends is enjoyable.


                        just wait for a new patch and you might be interested again . i am kinda of sick watching LD , center , weaver every game

                        Negative Mental Attitude

                          I think its mostly the patch.
                          Honestly I hope the next major update is just a 50 min ricing fest instead of 30 min deathball


                            sometimes i also lose desire to play dota but the longest it has lasted is a bit less than 2 weeks


                              I've given up on playing dota solo a long time ago. Nowadays I just use another account and play only (almost always at least) when we are 5-stacking.



                                I ve lsot interest too after having a losing streak after a winning streak. Won 5 games in a row and then lost 6 in a row.

                                At the moment I am just playing party and dont mind losing/winning and feels good

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                                    Idk solo queue is miserable if you look at individual games but in the sense that you get to see measurable progress and play vs people trying their hardest and crush them it really scratches some primal itch in my brain. Even if competitive dota didn't exist at all I'd still play solo queue, in fact me talking about competitive dota is a bit of a joke anyway because I'm a tier 5 aus player.

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                                      I think my problem is, is I don't get that rush i used to when i win a hard game.


                                        im tired of bracket but dota general no

                                        i love new TALENTS HUD
                                        i watched game with old hud its so fucking shit

                                        talents are way more fun and useful than +2 stats

                                        but i think there should be nerf to slardar

                                        fear is the mind killer

                                          my best friend stopped with 7.00 feelsbadman


                                            Yeah I'm really digging the 7.xx game so far. Talents are very nice. I do grow tired of all the same heros in each game.
                                            Try to tell me you haven't seen a game without any of these heros in them...

                                            Carry= Slark, Jugg, Weaver, LD ,Luna
                                            Mids= Ember invoker,OD SF
                                            Supports = Tree, disraptor, SD Orge,
                                            Roam= Pudge, SB, Slar
                                            Offlane= Cent, Slar

                                            I mean when was the last time you saw a pugna, or beastman.
                                            I just think they can do some slight tweaking of numbers to nerf and buff accordingly to get the hero pool alittle more diverse.

                                            Just a little more diversity.



                                              there you go a game without any of the heroes you mentioned within my last ten games.


                                              also a game with pugna in it.

                                              Fee Too Pee

                                                meh , this patch do not really have a "bullshit heroes" like 6.83 (sniper , troll) , 6.86 (OD , Spectre) . there is actually so many room for other heroes.

                                                but yea, so many heroes dead now


                                                  6.88 was alot more diverse for sure. I like 7.00 but you're right u want to see more diversity in heroes.

                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                    Take a few months off, it's good for you. I do it regularly a couple times a year when I get busy around holidays and summer. I come back eventually but refreshed. Much less stressed out when I skip dota. I can't say I lose interest in it but you find so many other things to do with your time.



                                                      That is a random ass game... those picks lol!

                                                      OK ok, one game out of 30 where you won't have any of the mentioned heros.


                                                        yeah at least one of those is like a single draft game


                                                          ah single draft doesn't count ya cheater.... AP ONLY !!!!!


                                                            first game was random draft second was the single draft


                                                              i havent played for 5 days and im burning inside out to play dota 2,but my cpu cooler is broken so i will wait some time to see how far i can go without playing.Probably2-3 more days.My rl is improving so much without dota but im bored af.

                                                              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                Everybody I know is losing interest. They made the game braindead. It's been happening for a while now: damage numbers, stun bars etc. But 7.00 was the final straw. How the fuck can you just go and change the game in so many aspects in just one patch and don't succeed with any of them? It's just a game of mindless headbashing now. No strategy. It truly hurts to see the game I have given almost 10 years to come to shit like this.


                                                                  - yes, i'm losing interest, only play when my friends invite me or when im legit 100% bored

                                                                  - i think its pretty absurd how they changed the game upside down out of nowhere with no previous discussion or anything, it seems too dictatorial of a change if u get me.

                                                                  - part of me losing interest is due to toxic community, getting angry everygame because someone is flaming or being a c*nt over mic wears me off


                                                                    dota_chat_mute_everyone 1 in console ^

                                                                    Dire Wolf

                                                                      "Everybody I know is losing interest. They made the game braindead. It's been happening for a while now: damage numbers, stun bars etc. But 7.00 was the final straw. How the fuck can you just go and change the game in so many aspects in just one patch and don't succeed with any of them? It's just a game of mindless headbashing now. No strategy. It truly hurts to see the game I have given almost 10 years to come to shit like this."

                                                                      I hadn't played much of 7.00 since it dropped right around christmas, but playing last weekend when I first noticed the silhouette of enemy heroes tp'ing in so you can actually tell which hero it is I was like holy fucking shit, that is ridiculous. Now you can tell if it's lowly support or carries coming to kick your ass.


                                                                        it happens, but u will feel desire to play in future thrust me


                                                                          About that part that solo queue is miserable and why players re interested in soloing yah that's true and these days I just play supports all the time so I will not be stressed out and get pressured and DOTES is less interesting as it was before.


                                                                            i get this guy who afk farm and dont fight and let enemie destroy acnent every game what a trash retard


                                                                              Not really losing interest in the full sense of the word, but rather just being annoyed game after game due to crappy teammates. After 2 games in a row where our supports don't even support I don't feel like playing Dota for the rest of the evening.

                                                                              ♏mikeeCS ツ

                                                                                sometimes i also lose desire to play dota but the longest it has lasted is a bit less than 1 weeks


                                                                                  Do people who make this threads think they're gonna drag others out of the hobby/game with them? If you don't like something stop doing it. Youre bored, move on. Dota 2 isn't a job

                                                                                  1-IceTea 🌟

                                                                                    252memer to 5K Get it and stop spam Dota!


                                                                                      Do people who make this threads think they're gonna drag others out of the hobby/game with them? If you don't like something stop doing it. Youre bored, move on. Dota 2 isn't a job

                                                                                      I asked in the thread if other people were losing interest in the game. I never asked others to stop playing. Just wondering if other long-time members felt like the game is slowly losing interest, and not just because of 7.00


                                                                                        Can someone predict my MMR. Ty