General Discussion

General Discussionfucking 2k scrubs

fucking 2k scrubs in General Discussion

    just won 75 mmr then lose 100 mmr. what the fuck is wrong with these noobs see teammate pick carry still pick carry plays noob but still plays advanced hero. fuckers is support that really hard to do than playing carry? WTF


      you are the noob it seems


        When I lose a match from having a winning streak the next match I will go to pub.There is a light chance that you might teamed up with the same players. :V


          2k dota can be ez solo carried never minding your teammates, so your excuse is bad


            give mw dat acc wanna have little fun


              i dont play mmr. no stress . happy playing dota .


                flames team for picking advanced heroes but picks them :thinking:

                Player 404335202

                  ^ xD


                    also losing with advanced heroes is better than losing with braindead heroes :smile:


                      SEA. Nuff said


                        but you have 41% winrate on your most played hero (advanced one btw) so.....


                          hey i didnt pick invoker these days im trying to be a good boy here ROFL


                            start by winning your lane single handedly. be efficient in lane zone opponent out if you have the kill potential exploit it.
                            the tendency is that if you zone your lane opponent out he will either jungle which means more space for your team.
                            Winning your lane/ crushing your enemy may give you the necessary advantage you need.
                            If you win lane start pushing with your team in that way it will either be a free tower ( if enemy wouldn't fight) or if you win a team fight all you and your teammates get xp (plus a tower if you siege it fast enough.)
                            The meta is all about getting you in a position wherein you get the most out of the laning phase to smoothly transition into early/mid game push/teamfights.
                            if your team tends to farm a lot and plays passively as fuck call gg lol

                            Ave with an internet pfp

                              When it really hard to win a game in whatever bucket , it's likely that your mmr is belong there , take a break of ranked and get some knowlege and go back whenever you think you are ready . Be like me :p

                              BIG OUNCE *REAL STREET NI₲₲A

                                Ask the god of 1k

                                #1k scrub

                                Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                  Pick lycan , 5 min dominator , 25 mmr .


                                    how do you even get min 5 domi