General Discussion

General DiscussionFps :(

Fps :( in General Discussion

    Ever since 7.00 came out I went from 60 fps to 20 no matter what settings I choose. Can someone help me :(


      upgrade your pc


        post your pc specs


          For my new system, 7.00 didn't really present any problems since the hardware is so new, but my old system (i7 37xxHQ and 610m) only experienced a <10 fps drop from 60 to 50 something. Tbh I'd still play on it if I didn't need the new PC for things other than games.

          Have you tried reinstalling the game/tinkering with in-game settings to optimize it?

          Bu yorum düzenlendi
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            Pc specs?


              ive actually had some fps improvements lately
              coz u cant get worse fps when you already have shit fps

              Bu yorum düzenlendi
              NAKANTOT NG IYAKEN

                yep fps was dropping since last weeks update


                  idk, haven't noticed anything, I still have 200fps+


                    Try downloading more RAM