General Discussion

General DiscussionGyrocopter in 7.02

Gyrocopter in 7.02 in General Discussion

    How viable is aghs gyro now? I see a lot of people rushing aghanims on him
    And what is his item buildup?

    Is Phase Domi Aquila core?
    What lineup is he good against?


      Aghs is imo the only legit way to play gyro. U go aghs first after early game shit like aquila if u want to be tanky. Otherwise u can go maelstrom first, then aghs. Usually its aghs and maelstrom but aghs deso isnt bad if u need sieging power or rosh capabilities. Then regular gyro items. Dont buy satanic with maelstrom cuz if u proc maelstrom u wont lifesteal, so u cud die even after popping satanic if u proc maelstrom in those hits. Imo u can greed out and skip bkb with aghs cuz u can hit even while stunned or disabled or anything, just get tanky. Tbh i was thinking abt veil gyro, i mean gyro arguably deals more magic dmg early than ember and had a magic dmg talent himself (tho not imba like embers). Maybe veil aghs maelstrom?


        Do you realize that maelstrom isnt an UAM anymore?


          Also, how good of a hero is gyro anyways?


            Dead but not 6.88 dead


              Aghs is imo the only legit way to play gyro. U go aghs first after early game shit like aquila if u want to be tanky. Otherwise u can go maelstrom first, then aghs. Usually its aghs and maelstrom but aghs deso isnt bad if u need sieging power or rosh capabilities. Then regular gyro items. Dont buy satanic with maelstrom cuz if u proc maelstrom u wont lifesteal, so u cud die even after popping satanic if u proc maelstrom in those hits. Imo u can greed out and skip bkb with aghs cuz u can hit even while stunned or disabled or anything, just get tanky. Tbh i was thinking abt veil gyro, i mean gyro arguably deals more magic dmg early than ember and had a magic dmg talent himself (tho not imba like embers). Maybe veil aghs maelstrom?


                Watch Kiev Major group stage - Faceless vs Xctn. 6-slotted Gyro with aghanim's scepter from Alchemist completely trash SF despite him (SF) having more damage than Gyrocopter and Gyro didn't get to shine until he had that said item. Idk I never study a shit about gyrocopter before.

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                  maelstrom satanic works now so its fine if you go that.


                    ^^ yeah its actually surprising how gyro late games with aghs. But if you dont have an alchemist on your team is it really worth a slot and to rush it?

                    People do rush aghanims on gyro for the early tankiness to synergize with his +200 hp level 10 talent right? But even then is gyro tanky enough to be a good pick?

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                      I think it's quite decent, replaces sny which used to be core on gyro and is now pretty trash I think.


                        I think gyrocopter is somewhat viable as long as you have other heavy pushing cores because gyro somewhat struggles destroying tier 3's because of his low range and mediocre damage.
                        Plus, He has an early powerspike which compliments the current meta.

                        Maybe aghs gyro is good but it should be your 2nd/3rd core item or after a damage item before you get the most of aghs
                        but gyro still gets outshined by meta carries such as jugg, life stealer, ursa, sf mainly because what gyro does these carries do better (IMO lul)

                        BSJ. LGD

                          it should ALWAYS be rushed. aghs+talent=2k hp


                            gyro's good against pushing lineups that relies on added units such as chen,lycan and np


                              I think the item build is dlance agh satanic pike mkb daedalus and bkb at some point
                              Dont go for hotd because you need pike actually to avoid kiting


                                ^^ yeah I just realized that Gyro is one of the only good AoE carries that can defend vs summons early. I dont think luna or medusa can defend tier 1 or tier 2 with only level 6 - level 8 which Gyro can, maybe medusa can but gyro does it better.


                                  i dont see gyro that often but i don't usually have a problem vs him as lycan tbh , i mean he is too squishy and too slow to fight vs lycan early on and if he kill necro warrior early game he will die (i run from his ulti anyway)


                                    @the rider I mean spread i mean flak still makes you react and somewhat change your decision and my theory is the moment you run away from gyro ulti, gyro's team can take the advantage of you doing so (getting zoned out by the ult).

                                    gyro like 3-4 hits summons in early game how's that not good dude (not fighting you dude im not puppey don't fite me)

                                    Plus I am pertaining in a situation wherein lycan's ( or any team with a hero that summons low to mid hp creeps) sieging a tower.
                                    Wouldn't the summons die in like 3-4 secs after gyro pops ult and flak cannon?

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                                      If you defend successfully vs a pushing team that's more space for you to farm bkb and eventually push a tower yourself


                                        ^maybe another tip for gyro is that you delay buying/using bkb charges until you have pushed all the outer towers or ready to go push highground so you can save bkb charges for easier highground push. unless you die from being chain stunned, delay bkb lolz


                                          Veil gyro boys?


                                            veil gyro might be a good cheese strat as a counter to mid timber?
                                            Max missle and rocket plus veil will definitely give timber a hard time.

                                            veil for carry gyro is not worth i guess.

                                            The DarKNovA

                                              Veil would probably work quite well against early clashing teams, but only if the team doesn't have one already.
                                              In fact, the item is still almost as cost effective as HotD anyhow, so not a horrible choice.