Overall and current pools are different.
Overall, it's safelane Luna(60%), Void(65.6%), Sven(56.3%), Spectre(58.3%). More recently, I've started playing mid with 75% on SF but the sample size is very low(4 games). Been learning TA too though only have 2 wins from 5 games. Sample size is low because I only have 160 odd ranked matches from 1600ish games, a consequence of calibrating immediately after 6 years away from Dota and getting 1.3k(now 1.5k) and extreme ladder anxiety.
everything that wins games. Usually carry. I pick safelane carry whenever possible, usually heroes that my bracket is familiar (not everyone understands lone/drow/tb strats). Whenever there's a troll pick my got-to is jakiro or warlock. When i'm vs. a weak pick mid i pick ogre and help to win the midlane to easily finish the game.
I won 70% of my ranked games, I started at 1.7k 6 months ago. Now, I'm at 2.8k. Usually, I play core because I don't trust others to carry the game. :) my hero pool : invoker, pa, drow, mirana, pudge, od, mk, tinker , zeus, jug. All except jug have at least 60% win rate.
Better you pick a hero that really needs in a team fight not just picking your most winrate or what ever, backing up your team mates really helps. Try to destroy thier towers thats all never blame anyone who fails
Faceless void
Bounty hunter
OD, luna, and weaver when I feel like using different hero
All of them higher than 70% winrate across all account
oh i thought you quit dota
ure that guy who spammed spectre when she was firstpick material and still havent gotten out of 4k or only temporarily afair
Abaddon. Good team fight presence. Good with any line-up. Can end the game early, scales well with his talents in late game.
If my team forces me to first pick I always choose AbadDon.
My main role is support and am able to play every single support hero competently bar io, earth spirit, and visage I just choose based on situation.
Safe Lane: spec, wk, luna, Slark.
Offlane: tide axe wk centaur
Mid: Zeus medusa windranger
All my carries are low skill cap heroes that way I can still play efficiently. I choose whatever hero best suits the lineup.
is it weird that I climb while playing different hero every game? I think in the last 50 games I played ~40 different heroes (:
carry: venge, lifestealer, weaver(can off)
hardlane: axe lc doom
mid: arc, ursa, lina, ta
sup: lich, warlock, ogre
Hero pool doesn't matter
Play rank only in workday evenings, when all schoolboys do their homework and go sleep early.
And do not ever play ranked (and better do not play dota at all) in weekends and holidays when all casual brainless idiots, who is launching dota once a week, is going online.
There is total braindead retardfest in this time.
Only workdays.
^ you play in normal skill, so technically you always play in that braindead retardfest bracket, ironically you are one of them. #glasshouse
Iam a support trying to ruin their games,always gank mid and baby the late gamer heroes.semi carry and sup.because sea cancer server.hhha.itry to adjust.
Well I'm 1.5k over you. So hopefully I never ever match with u. Unless ur on the enemy team.
pa, weaver, viper, luna, drow,sniper, mirana, ls, slark, storm, sf, dusa, ck, dk, pretty much anything, some more than others.
Went from 4.6 to 5k with this pick
SUP: Treant, Ogre
OFF: Weaver, Dark Seer
MID: Tinker, PA.
FARM: Jugg, Sniper
My recent pool that works on other noobs:
Here's my go-to hero pool and win rates that no one cares about at all:
1. Offlane - Spiritbreaker(70%), Clockwerk(67%), Brewmaster(45%), Night Stalker(58%), Weaver(58%)
2. Jungle - Lycan(65%)
3. Support - Lich (71%), Skywrath(50%), Treant(57%), KotL(51%)
Forums people talk way too much about OP heros to spam. Picking/drafting correct heroes is the most important thing, so a small pool that you are competent with is most important. I just include a variety of heroes I enjoy the mechanics of and try to learn them.
climd out of the 1k brackter by spamming meepo, (lost 300 mmr then gained 600)
i usually play mid with, Ember, storm (not so much this patch), ta, meepo, sf (also invoker but i dont have positive winrate with that hero)
For safelane I like Juggernaut, luna, antimage
Offlane i mainly use Timber but i dont play much offlane
For supporters i just pick earth spirit and im gonne use other roamers like bh and mk
I started playing more again after 2 months of not really playing, I don't really have to heroes, I just play whoever, but if there's anyone I know that's a for sure win is probably Slark if the teammates are at least decent. Blood seeker is stupid easy too, or Ursa. lol
Mine would be CM, VS, Disruptor, Skywrath, Balanar, Abaddon and Slardar.
I don't have carries on my hero pool right now since I've been playing supports these days and I don't play mid.
Monkey King and more Monkey King
Seriously underrated hero and fucking broken even after all the nerfs honestly is at least tier 1 or 2 right now I fully expect to see it a lot in Kiev.
^MK is still not bad, the win rate so low is because alot player that can't play him and still wanna be monkey
Just pick lycan and play with tower. Dont mind anything else, just towers, raxs, ancient and ez win lol
tinker tinker tinker tinker tinker tinker tinker tinker tinker tinker tinker tinker tinker
Monkey King and more Monkey King
Seriously underrated hero and fucking broken even after all the nerfs honestly is at least tier 1 or 2 right now I fully expect to see it a lot in Kiev.
i 100% disagree with this comment and think mk is garbage in the hands of 99% of 5-6k mmr players
TA and AM are basically free win. Especially if you convince your team to pick some of the following heroes: Venge, Ogre, Magnus, Weaver, Slardar, Centaur.
Both TA and AM farm insanely fast, split push like beasts, melt towers, solo kill people, solo Roshan and are very strong in mid and late game.
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Word of advise: If you want to climb MMR, it's not about spamming ONE hero.
It's spamming a certain hero pool depending on the situation.
Here's my go-to hero pool and win rates :
1. Safe-lane Carry - Luna (53.26%) & Spectre (61.9%)
2. Offlane - Axe (51.90%) & Spiritbreaker (51.61%)
3. Jungle - Bloodseeker (56.02%)
4. Support - Silencer (62.5%), Warlock (45.5%), Kotol (53.33%)
P.S. Upon writing this, made me think of using Omniknight (75%) instead of Warlock
What's yours?