General Discussion

General DiscussionHow many APM have you in DOTA 2?

How many APM have you in DOTA 2? in General Discussion

    Opendota have an feature (for free) to show you your apm ingame

    My APM average are like 450~520

    I feel in 10 years i will have problems in my hand feelsbadman

    Ryan Gosling Fan

      Only retards and miracle have over 300 apm.

      Ryan Gosling Fan

        My apm is solid 90-120 btw.


          About 120~


            Ask frank. He has about 6000 apm


              9001 apm 2ez4rtz


                WutFace brood spammer WutFace save me


                  pls no hurt me


                    221 in my last game


                      hmm, for a long time i had 148 avg apm but since a month ago it has been increasing significantly, bringing avg up to 160

                      The DarKNovA

                        Solid 400-ish.


                          Around 320-ish I think.

                          The DarKNovA

                            Yeah, ~300 is the default non-lazy APM when you have auto-rightclick enabled.


                              ~130 and thats with like spam clicking to move and attack. How the fuck do people have over 500 APM.

                              i commend

                                ^Ez. Auto right click

                                Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

                                  a ver, pasame la repe (?)

                                  The DarKNovA

                                    I had 200 APM without auto right enabled, 100APM ppl get 200ish with it enabled.


                                      about 60348 apm.

                                      Potato Marshal

                                        I don't know how you people are getting over 300 APM, are just constantly clicking the ground non-stop or something? I only average around 120. 150 if it's a hero like Abaddon or BH who's constantly spamming abilities from the 0 minute mark.

                                        The DarKNovA

                                          No, I don't even spam right click.
                                          Try turning the auto right click on in the menu, even a low APM player should get at least 250 ish.


                                            Having 500 apm on Doom doesn't sound very helpful.

                                            I average around 140.


                                              what on earth were those 500 actions, did you have a spazm?


                                                idk cookie i play a lot of broodmother and im allways moving right clicking like stupid, is true i have autoclick now but when was toggled off is the very similar 420 to 450 as brood

                                                casual gamer

                                                  i get like 100-120 apm lol

                                                  250 apm isnt low, ur just mindlessly clicking the ground


                                                    yes i know profesional players have like 200 or 250 max. another thing i move the camera with the keyboard (and also i do 15k clicks in a 40 min match) im fucked


                                                      here guys a video of my brood 1 or 2 year ago (dota didnt have the option for autoclicks)