General Discussion

General Discussion'Pick tankers' or we lose omg no tank we lost

'Pick tankers' or we lose omg no tank we lost in General Discussion

    Is it just me that cringes when teammates says the above things ?? I mean we are not ai bots to mindlessly attack the guy with the huge hp and armour I always feel it's all about the perfect initiation and catching the other players off-guard l. Well explain higher mmr playersthanks

    Bu konu düzenlendi
    casual gamer

      if im playing tinker and we pick drow cm oracle and bat we are probably going to have some issues

      that being said the concept of a dedicated durable type is usually unnecessary, most carries/mids fulfill this a little and its not always needed depending on how you take fights

      casual gamer

        you want more durable if ur hero benefits from longer fights imo (slark od tinker and to a lesser extent abaddon type low cd healer)

        sometimes i just want my teammate to build tanky and hes going bfly on morph :V


          yea but if u pick tanky bristleback in ur team u will lose even tho hes tank
          instead if u pick roam bh who rape and get greaves u will win even with squishy heroes u mentioned


            just whenever I see someone say "pick tanker/carrier" disappointment immediately kicks in. That said I do hate when you have a team of 4 squishy heroes and your offlane goes smth like invoker/weaver or some other glass cannon


              you know what they mean though right? would you prefer it if they phrased it differently because the concept of having a frontliner is kind of obvious.

              Cheap Laugh Guy

                xD Used to believe in that concept
                But usually a 5 melee team will most probably rekt a 5 ranged team
                Tankiness plays some importance in fight of course

                Story Time

                  ^ do u mean in a team fight or in the game of hitting ancients?

                  Dire Wolf

                    Well the wording is dumb, but most "tanks" in dota are initiators of some sort, which you do need to win team fights in pubs. Pros can kind of slot heroes in that aren't that role, they can go weird setups and get away with it cus of skill, but most pubs need like a sand king, tiderhunter, axe, wraith king, centaur, slardar, something like that to jump in and start the fight. CC is also super important in most pub matches and again most "tank" heroes have a stun or two. But you could absolutely get away without it if you have enough counter initiation or counter heroes.

                    Cheap Laugh Guy

                      Can't hit the ancients if you can't win a fight :/


                        There is some truth to it though, but of course it depends on the game, the other teams pick, execution and teamwork. A tanky hero for offlane is pretty nice to just tank in all fights and help push and siege highground I think.


                          5 melle win 5 range ??

                          disgusting weebs

                            but are miders and damagers that good without tankers? :thinking:

                            Player 404335202

                              If u dont pick tanker in 3k game ,they lose game mentally before even it starts !

                              yung griphook

                                a lot of people say that we need a tank when what we really need (what what they actually mean) is that we need an initiator


                                  because with tank-initiator its much easier to win fights, or fight longer when your carry hero splitpush

                                  Dire Wolf

                                    "a lot of people say that we need a tank when what we really need (what what they actually mean) is that we need an initiator"

                                    Yes. That's what I said.

                                    But name me an initator who isn't a tank. Ok sand king isn't really a tank, but he's also more of a counter initiator than a true initiator unless you init with ult. Invoker, more of a counter initiator. Void is one. That's all I can think of. You can sort of init with like blink + force staff supports like lion and disruptor are pretty popular. Maybe wyvern and storm if you stretch a bit. But all the classic and best initiators are strength/tanks- slardar, centaur, axe, tide, magnus, dk, wk, sven


                                      Actually no tank is instalose but you're just too trash to understand shit like that


                                        what would you describe bristle as if you're not going to call him a tank?


                                          ^most of the time I call him dead weight


                                            So youre one of that tard who pick 5th squishy hero to the line up? That's exactly what i hate, in doto concept you should have a always tank games on pubs are so ret.arded if you dont have one.Im not saying you cant win without but just make a more difficult to play/team fight


                                              2k thinks they can skill stats feelsmartman


                                                Not all initiators are tanks. Sk slardar Arent tanks. The term is front liner. Someone who soaks spells and provides Vision. Zones. Very useful if u have a glass cannon. Bristle timber are examples. Centaur. Dk

                                                yung griphook

                                                  "But name me an initator who isn't a tank"

                                                  Puck. QoP. Storm. Mag.


                                                    Gg no healer team noob

                                                    disgusting weebs

                                                      can't wait to initiate a fight with storm or qop! zip zap!


                                                        Tanks who dont initiate:
                                                        Alch, bristle, timber (kinda), aba, huskar (not tanky this patch tho)
                                                        Initiators who aren't tanks:
                                                        Darkseer, batrider, sand king, slardar, enigma


                                                          Initiating a fight doesnt have to mean stunning everyone in the enemy team, zipping/blinking in and exploding someone is also a good way to initiate.

                                                          Impulsive 3k addict.

                                                            Noobs need initiation.

                                                            Jubnle bloodseeker that goes crimson/pipe has a 70% winrate for me.


                                                              ^noobs dont need initiation cuz the enemy walks up to u one by one


                                                                Usually initiation requires u to be able to get in fast and lock someone down so the rest of your team can do something. Timber and storm can kinda do that as well because they have slow and lock down and mobility. These are the key ingredients.


                                                                  Sometimes you need a frontliner, tank is probably not the perfect word but it gets the point across.

                                                                  CAN I HAVE NORMAL GAME PLS

                                                                    what i hate the most is when carries refuse to buy bkb because he said "enemy will focus timber(or any other "tanker)" and said he needed more damage so enemy dies quicker and cant cast spells...


                                                                      Theyre low mmr league players

                                                                      They dont know what they need.

                                                                      Theyd say "pick tank" in a game with no supports, while full of tanky carries.

                                                                      Dont be stupid to listen to them

                                                                      Cheap Laugh Guy

                                                                        Wraith King and Sniper best braindead fighting dou