General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to deal with early game constant ganks?

How to deal with early game constant ganks? in General Discussion

    Hey everyone.So after patch 7 release Dota is even more gank oriented than ever before. With introduction of shrines, heroes losing gold based on their networth,Talent trees etc... Metagame is all about map control and tempo, right now.People pick heroes that are really good at early game ganking and teamfighting, and with changes to root even most slippery heroes like slark and weaver cant really survive early game ganks.Take yesterday for example enemy team went for CM, Bara, Tide, Pudge and Ursa.Roaming crystal dominated the game with bara charging everywhere. We had sniper on mid, Mirana(Me) on offlane am and rubick on safelane and Doom on jungle.After 29 minutes of constant ganks we lost the match and everyone was like gg report am (2k mentality).I don't really think that i'm better than my team i've been playing this game for 2 years now and i wanna improve.So my question becomes how can i deal with this aggressive drafts that usually ends with 30-40 mintue lost matches?
    I usually play mid or offlane.

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    queen's speech

      i hate myself i hate myself i love myself i love myself i hate myself i hate myself i love myself i love myself


        I'm a normal skill player you're a vhs one.Please try and help me.


          So you get used to the meta. Pick strong midgame hero and dominate them. Hero like ls is really good with slardar and generally slardar is very good so you suggest pick slardar everygame(alt and click hero) or you can play that hero. Hero like luna that have big tf ultimate can change the game too and snowball really hard. Slark is kinda a situational pick if your team feed a lot you are useless but if the game goes stalemate and your enemy is gankable hero like aa lion you can snowball pretty hard.

          all role player

            Countergank heroes?? Enigma or es didnt exist???


              take riki and deward if its warded ez

              1-IceTea 🌟

       that really a change?
                I use Ursa Lycan WK jungle before patch,now I still do all the same :thinking:

                1-IceTea 🌟

                  or maybe I am mid 4K crab ppl here not absorb Meta as well as 3/2K fish :thinking:


                    you just go farm


                      Farm lane creep as fast as you can then go to jungle and kill some stack there, stay on the lane as short as possible if you feel like they are coming for you again.


                        U can play a hero thats hard to gank like weaver, jugg, necro, maybe slark, without a lot of disable. Or heroes who can save thru ganks and counter enemy ganks and gank themselves, a perfect example being centaur, or aba (tho aba is bad at ganking).

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                          I R O N T A L O N
                          E Q U I L I B R I U M C O N T R O L
                          R O T A T I O N S


                            or just pick strong independent woma- laners

                            Cheap Laugh Guy

                              You're mid and offlane
                              You can't do anything early game really
                              If you're afraid of early ganks because you know the enemy team has the draft for it, buy a ward yourself and place it where you will see the enemy coming, preferably the route that the hero with most ganking potential will probably come from.
                              I highly doubt NS players will smoke and gank


                                Controlling equilibrium wont save u if the enemy rlly wants u dead. Nothing will save u from a pudge rotating with hook into stomp (assuming the cent was laning against u), into rot and running u down. It helps, but the enemy can just rotate both supports to chain disable long enough to kill u. Iron talon is nerfed.


                                  tp support, defensive wards, map awareness, dont be an idiot and stay in lane if its a fucking obvious gank


                                    Buy a wards save a life


                                      Their lineup seems superior in general. Not to mention you have a doom who is an auto lose this patch.


                                        Thanks everyone.You helped a lot.Everyone on of you!
                                        God bless <3

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