General Discussion

General DiscussionDota Levels / Experience Trophy

Dota Levels / Experience Trophy in General Discussion

    So I made a new account to recalibrate (i will never do this again, unranked is fucking cancer) and I don't really understand the leveling up system. So, My DOTA level is 18 (I need 20 to calibrate) and I have 65 TP (trophy points) towards 19. However, after each game I check, and I don't actually earn any TP each game. The way I found out to level was to buy a shitload of battlepass chests and earn achievments trophies which level you up. But how can I earn TP just by playing? I've played 3 games, won 2 and lost 1, but my TP stayed at 65. Anyone?


      click that exp trophy and read


        So, you do not gain TP just from playing games itself? You have to complete achievements and such?


          sometimes it takes 4-5 games but dont worry instead u go 19 u will go 22 or something,


            Each time you play a match, you earn Experience Point equal to how many minutes you spend in the match multiply with 1.5.

            To illustrate, you finish a match in 42:57.

            You will earn 42 x 1.5 = 63 Experience points

            Coop Bot Match also counts so you don't really need to have to always play against human to level this up and the multiply doesn't change. It is still 1.5 point every minute in match even if you lose.

            This Experience points (EP) go straight to the Experience Trophy. When there is enough EP your Experience Trophy will level up. The required EP to level up your Experience Trophy increase each level.

            When your Experience Trophy level up, you gain 10 Trophy points.

            Dota level needs 100 Trophy points to level up.

            Some time ago, they showed you exactly how many EP you earn each game, how many EP you have already accumulated. Therefore, it is very transparent when will i level up my Experience Trophy and when my Experience Trophy go up 1 level, i gain 10 Trophy Points to my Dota level.

            Since they do not tell you anything about this in the changelog, it is not possible to know if they changed anything, for example, the multiply. If you try the wikia they will say something else and i am not sure but from my experience up till now it is this.