General Discussion

General DiscussionWeaver Supp is actually not bad

Weaver Supp is actually not bad in General Discussion

    So guys what are your opinions about Weaver Supp?

    That feel when you buy AGHS and successfully Time lapse a dying ally or failing to ult your ally hahaha, an annoyance for the enemy team and can kill heroes, does not actually needs boots (Its Something), and the +6 STR, +7 all stats, and +200 health makes Weaver a little bit harder to deal with plus AGHS, DLance, and Linkens man lots of HP.

    Bu konu düzenlendi

      it's not good either, it's just situational.

      without items, it doesn't do damage nor does it have CC.

      Bu yorum düzenlendi

        Yes its situational. But it's really good if the enemy
        Lineup has big spells and very bursty. Must have a team that can play around it

        casual gamer

          swarm is really good and his aghs is amazing. makes good use of medal/crest


            Hey u can't call yourself a support if u go aghs linkens deso! Shame !


              Yeah I should have gone Medallion to Solarcrest but didn't really thought about it and that Deso is already last item.

              Fee Too Pee

                tbh can we call this weaver not "support"?

                instead i think weaver offlane that go "utility" ? like slardar, void
                lets be honest weaver need a ton of exp to be effective , and useless without exp unlike most support


                  Then how about utility roamer Weaver? you know a position 4 weaver.

                  Bu yorum düzenlendi

                    it i indeed but thats not suport weaver he still farms
                    its offlane weaver with medicine items dont be stupid ty


                      Who said it was bad in the first place anyway (let's not consider scrubs who follow torte de lini guides 100% who think every hero's build is set in stone)


                        It's situational.


                          Torte de lini lmao


                            morphs better


                              Without a stun or a slow you're going to have a difficult time rotating to gank. Just play offlane pos 3 with teamfight items if situation arises. Weaver without items and farm is like a Vengeful Spirit who refuses to get any points into stun.


                                U dont pick weaver when u lack stuns or slows, u pick him to complement physical dmg strats. As a support weaver deals dmg, u want a lane support or a carry with a disable.


                                  Still seems really bad as a 4 or a 5, a position where by definition you spend a good amount of time not last hitting creeps in lane... if things don't go well immediately, and you find yourself without much gold into the midgame, the only impact you have is swarm. Dazzle and Vengeful Spirit just seem much better for AOE minus armor in the 4/5 position.

                                  As long as we're on the same page here, we're talking safelane Weaver with the intention of zoning out the offlaner with Shukuchi and double attacks? Because this seems even worse than the Support Drow, because you're not even granting your team a silence when you have brown boots + medallion or whatever your min10 looks like. If we're deathballing down mid with 5 heroes immediately, and you're going level 1 bugs? Dunno, never seen that in action.

                                  1-IceTea 🌟

                                    He will be a good farming support


                                      Ok2 noted guys thanks for the opinions, but I have another thing to throw about the farming issue, POS 4 Weeaver can buy Bottle and steal enemy runes then have no problem in HP and MP, gank like crazy and gain assist, then slowly build up items like Medalion, AGHS, Linkens, Forcestaff unto HPike. I never actually farmed on my recent Weaver match I'll try that when I play again.