General Discussion

General DiscussionBuying a gaming pc

Buying a gaming pc in General Discussion

    So for awhile I've had a laptop which isn't horrible, but it's not for gaming. I get max 70 fps on dota at lowest settings (100% render quality) however for streaming, everything gets laggy, and I cannot play higher end games because my pc can't handle it.
    I don't plan on spending anywhere over 1k on a pc, but what are some good pcs that can run games well on the cheaper side.

    doc joferlyn simp

      1k what?


        not that hard to figure it out "WHAT?"


          ... 1 thousand dollars guys.


            Buying the PC itself will get you cheaper Power supplies, case, motherboard and often RAM.
            I'd build custom (buying each part individually) over a whole computer any day, but then you usually spend over $1000.
            I'd say a 16 GB kit of Ram, used (good condition) i7 (6-7th gen if possible), ASRock Mobo (cheaper because they want to compete - still great quality), Cheap case, Fnid a 60$ modular PSU so it looks decent, and whatever HDD you want (I'd recommend Seagates new 2tb for $99 for the space).


              Video Card - get the 1050 gtx, it does just fine for the money.


                for 1K???? GTX 1050???? I just built a pc in part picker with an i5 7600k and GTX 1070 and its just a bit over 1k and I'm sure u can cut the price if you go cheaper on an ssd, psu, ram, case w/e


                  lol, read what i said. used 6-7th gen if possible, 5th gen at least. the rest of what i said is just fine. and you can get a 1050 pretty cheap?


                    something like that idk picked up real quick, cuz going to sleep. I'm sure you have a HDD somewhere so u can just use that if you're really short on money and buy ssd later.

                    Giff me Wingman

                      If you don't have ancient motherboard just upgrade ur CPU and maybe gfxcard. Spending like 1k USD for dota only is braindead.


                        @afeect, the seagate 2tb i mentioned is a hybrid and not too bad. i am using the ASRock x99 Taichi w/ the newest gen of SSD + the 2 TB. That mofo is too fast for life.


                          @Danish, read the OP's post. He has a laptop and is looking to buy a computer.



                            this site is an awesome reference for new PC parts. Even the entry level $500 build will kick ass for dota and any other title at 1080p.

                            i would also HIGHLY recommend checking craigslist. you can find people selling 2-3 year old gaming PCs that cost $1200 to build, and they are selling them now for $250


                              also if dota is the primary game you play please dont spend $1000 on your build. you will get 80% the performance at $500, and in dota that just a difference of 160 fps vs 200, which is definately not worth $500..


                                No I don't just play Dota, i would want to play more games but my laptop can't handle them well. Primary reason I want to upgrade.
                                Thanks for some of the advice. I went on cybertron and went through it a bit. I'll be doing more research to get a better understanding of what all the pieces are

                                Giff me Wingman

                                  You should specify what you want to MAX pay. And if it should have monitor etc. with it.

                                  Personally i'd roll with a gaming notebook with non soldered parts, but then again you probably don't get parts cheap nor do you need the mobility.


                                    good 1080p pc i5 6500 gtx 1060 or rx 480
                                    cheapo pc g4560 gtx 1050 non ti

                                    the middle options between these are shit or just wait for amds new 6 core

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