General Discussion

General Discussion[BUG] Report not reporting

[BUG] Report not reporting in General Discussion

    Hi Forum,

    same guy who brought you such threads as "Help!! My commends are not being shown on conduct summary every 10 games but my Commend count my profile continues to rise is this a bug??"
    answer was yes.

    I've got a new bug now, a more serious one that I actually care about.

    After a game, you can report or commend, I commend someone I get that message " thanks for feedback blah blah blah"

    I go to report and I get this message " Feedback can not be given at this time" So basically I cant report scrubs who throw games anymore. I've got 3 reports to give out currently, doesn't matter who I try to report I get the same message.

    1) Is this happening to anyone else?
    2) How do you fix such a thing?

    Thank you in advance