General Discussion

General DiscussionDamage Incorporated is now recruiting!

Damage Incorporated is now recruiting! in General Discussion

    Damage Inc is now recruiting dota 2 players looking for a community of like-minded people. We accept both casual players and those with a more competitive mindset. Our clan consists of players all around the world, with players skills ranging <1k to players >5k, so don't sweat it if you're just starting out, we have great people who are willing to help. Since we are a multi-gaming clan, you may also have the opportunity to interact with people who play other games and explore. Also expect regular events and inhouses!

    If you're looking for a long-lasting community, don't hesistate to join our family!
    We have a few requirements:

    1. Be 15+ years old.
    1. Have a working microphone.
    3. Have Teamspeak
    4. Be active and contribute towards the community.

    How to Join?!

    Register on our website

    Post your application here!

    If you are asked by whom you were referred, i am known as Bryan in the clan. If you encounter any troubles, feel free to add me on steam or just pm me or an officer on the clan teamspeak:
    Cheers and good day people!

    Bu konu düzenlendi
    disgusting weebs

      damage incorporated?
      more like
      BRAIN damage incorportaed

      disgusting weebs

        1-IceTea 🌟

          Call out all your 5K+ player I WANNA REKT THEM!

          Story Time

            the OP is sub 1k :D lol kek


              ^ well in all honesty having any resemblance of a brain is not one of their requirements. I am 12 btw

              Bu yorum düzenlendi

                I feel bas whenever someone tries to male a serious announcement on this forum xddd


                  You guys sound like a runescape clan.


                    I never understood these casual multigaming clans.
                    It's usually just a place to circlejerk with other people on how their teammates were terrible and that's why they keep losing or how report system is broken and they don't deserve to be in low priority.
                    Basically it's a place where mainly dumb people stay and are active in.

                    If you are feeling lonely while playing then get a fucking life. Because you don't play games to socialize with people but to have fun for yourself.


                      where is this guild based on?


                        @raptured u expressed what i thought but couldnt put in words


                          Riki spam to 6k teach me your ways Donsama.


                            nevermind ill download replays also dont u get bored spamming?



                              Believe it or not, some people actually do play games to socialize. Sad if you really spent 2250 hours in actual games, not at all to be social - but just for yourself.
                              Also, some people play for fun. And seeing as you don't, and are probably over 20 and only have 5200 MMR, you'd be better off giving up and deleting DotA instead of try-harding (and ultimately getting nowhere).

                              Bu yorum düzenlendi


                                He literally said that he plays to have fun for himself, which means he doesnt enjoy socializing in the game. Incidentally neither do I because it feels artificial (which is why i never play with people that invite me into groups). And I dont think that being 5k plus is try-harding, it's that old logic "anyone who is better than me is try-harding, anyone who is below me is a noob, and I am the only one just having fun". Like you and me have roughly the same amount of matches, but I have somewhat higher mmr, does that make me a try-hard or does that make you unable to learn?


                                  i think playing computer games to socialize is definetely not smthng to brag about. if u need pc games for that as an optimal way, u kinda got quite a lot of problems, uh?


                                    can i join? i am 12 btw


                                      @all of u

                                      You seem to limit "socialize" waaaaay to much. I socialize with 3-7 guys. We all know each other personally (for the most part), and playing the games together is fun. Doesn't make it sad. I am more familiar with my real life friends, and can talk smack to them, and just have a much more comfortable, fun environment.
                                      Just like fishing. If someone goes fishing to socialize with others, then yeah - that might be kinda sad. However, put it like this: I am going fishing with friends to be social with them. And, WAMO, it is no longer "desperate."

                                      I'd assume that you have alot more experience with DotA and other RTS in general. I'd also assume that you had another acc. Or assume that you started trying hard alot sooner than I did.

                                      Bu yorum düzenlendi


                                        Oh boy you really are offended by my statement that socializing through games is for the narrow minded. I am truly curious why this is the case...

                                        And yes, one could consider me as trying hard, but I started to do so about 6 months ago and since have kept a 60% winrate while climbing over 1k mmr. All while keeping up my computer science studies which in fact is one of the harder subjects to get a degree in.
                                        Before that I really was just some kid that is addicted to pot (the pot in my city is from the Netherlands).

                                        Also I am 19, but nice try to develop some kind of point here.

                                        Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                          Damage jackals ripping right through you


                                            i wouldnt say playing games with ur irl games can be referred to as "socialize", this word has quite a different meaning.
                                            the idea itself is fine, just the wording was weird/confusing

                                            Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                            Dire Wolf

                                              whoa that region history, this guys all over the place

                                              Russia 193
                                              Europe West 115
                                              South Africa 49
                                              SE Asia 33
                                              Europe East 32
                                              Other 5


                                                @Raptured that is dotabuff in its entirety that you just explained.
                                                I honestly love that people work so hard in this game, reach their 5k, yet are still too stupid to see outside of their narrow mindset.
                                                Get an education


                                                  If socialize ONLY thru games then ur sad. I dont think anyone can say playing games with friends is sad. Cuz otherwise ur R E T A R D E D.
                                                  Lets see who i trigger with my A S S H A T language cuz i must be a R E T A R D if i use the word R E T A R D in an argument SeemsGood


                                                    ^ get help asap


                                                      ^Thanks for T R I G G E R I N G me. It takes me a day or 2 to untrigger. Fuck man. Stop it, get some help.


                                                        :D lol i really did get on your nerves yesterday didnt i




                                                            MINIMUM AGE 15

                                                            Most people join gaming communities to stop getting queued with 15 year old kiddos, seemsgood

                                                            Hatsune Miku

                                                              Discord is better and its freee


                                                                LMAO clan and forums, reminds me of 2005 mmorpgs
                                                                now it's good to have clans in dota because you can clearly see who are the retards that join them


                                                                  I wanna join but I will only be active after 21st April. If I can join then I will be happy to.


                                                                    Dear dear, since i had already posted all relevant links i did not actually come back to check the comments, but it's a shitfest here people :p

                                                                    Just because you don't personally like the idea of playing games to socialize does not mean others do not like it. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. However, please do note that having an opinion does not grant you the right to be disrespectful.

                                                                    @raptured You said you never understood multi-gaming clans so i believe it's a safe bet to say you were never part of one. That being said you are still trash talking it like you have a ton of experience with clans. Did you say you were 19? That's pretty hard to believe. I'd expect this kind of immature attempt at being nasty from some 14-15 year old kid.

                                                                    @Story Time Yes i am sub 1k, and you are sub 9k. Someone else is 3k and another guy is 5k. Are you trying to make a point here?

                                                                    @Hatsune Miku Thanks for the suggestion. However, there is a lot of stuff you can't do on Discord that Teamspeak allows you to. It'd be a hassle to go into the details but you can make a quick search for it if you're interested in those reasons ^_^

                                                                    @Legendary долбоёб I laughed so hard at this...not.

                                                                    @Dire Wolf Yea xD

                                                                    @BoJack I have been enlightened as to the error of my ways.

                                                                    @D_RECK Nice try.

                                                                    @1-IceTea get to 5k first, scrub.

                                                                    This post was for awareness and since a bunch of people actually commented i'll assume the job's done :)


                                                                    Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                                    doc joferlyn simp

                                                                      ^Welcome to Dotabuff fam


                                                                        @Johan Thank you Sir! And here i thought reddit was toxic.

                                                                        Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                                        doc joferlyn simp

                                                                          If you haven't noticed it yet, the only thing that matters here is MMR. Anything you do and think is absolute horse crap unless you've got decent posting material. Nevermind if you've got a great idea, or you just wanted to converse. If your MMR is considered low (no blue star by your name go beat it, great idea to set up borders mods!) better pipe down and PM someone else lmao

                                                                          That's about it man and good luck getting that membership application number up.


                                                                            What done you mean 'nice try' sir?


                                                                              @D_RECK OMG i am so sorry i wanted to tag someone else. My apologies. Of course you're welcome to join whenever you're ready!

                                                                              Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                                I will be joining in may then. Take good care of me!

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