General Discussion

General Discussionany tips to help me improve

any tips to help me improve in General Discussion

    3.4k atm kinda stuck in a W/L loop


      I got over my 3.2k hump by playing high impact offlane heroes; mostly Undying, Underlord, Dark Seer, and Slardar. Heroes like the first three can be hard to deal with for the unexperienced player and it forces them to do dumb things in lane, while Slardar is just all round really good this patch. You can take advantage of players in the same way with heroes like TA, where they have to deal with suddenly getting 3-shotted when you have Blink/Deso. Meepo is great for this too.

      General self-help advice includes watching replays of your games and analyzing your mistakes.


        my general rule of thumb:
        when enemies that have kill potential on you are missing: stop farming creepwaves that are in dangerous areas (recognize this for yourself)

        that being said dony initiate on people when his teamates are missing or they have a silencer or someone who can counter initiate

        make descisions based on the minimap.

        Bu yorum düzenlendi
        Player 404335202

          3k is most annoying brCkrt sad ! Help us god

          casual gamer

            hello i am cooki and im here to talk to u about the enemy ancient


              Haha cookie changed name? 5.5 cookie-sama i heard youre up the race to 6k GL!

              casual gamer

                get in the habit of clicking on enemy heroes and checking their items, especially in the early game. this is one thing that easily improves ur play and its good to get in the habit early so it becomes muscle memory

                Bu yorum düzenlendi

                  one advice i can give it to u since im 3k myself. always tell ur teammates enemies' item progression. sometimes, when u own so hard and one enemy is always missing then suddenly he comes 5/6 slotted or with 1 item that can change the game. for example, u clownin on sven(enemy) with some magic dmg so hard. 5-8 minutes later he comes with BKB and poof, yall gettin rekt. Or for most cases of mine, enemy AM suddenly got Aghanim while yall mostly got single target spell. yeay.

                  my ranked people always getting carried away when dominating and forgetting objectives + enemies' item progession then lose the game. cant tell u how to win in 3k eu since i play SEA myself and i dont know the characteristic of the people in eu. but yeah, u get the idea of improving.

