General Discussion

General DiscussionSmurf and abandon

Smurf and abandon in General Discussion

    Hello, In my 4 last matches I pretty much destroyed my lane and went to help the other wannabee 4k lanes with ganks. Then one of the enemy team abandons...Does this influence me eventually getting High Skill or does it not matter?

    Bu konu düzenlendi

      the normal skill is strong with this one


        It dont matter. You see i abandon many matches and feed intentionally in some still remains vhs when i solo


          its not me that abandons...

          Honestly now i see why people have a bad opinion towards smurfs. every game i have to be a psychologist to stop people from tilting, all people that will get 2k max anyway

          [SNRA]King Dave

            You are a normal skill fuck. Git gud noob, stop blaming your losses on others.

            Jonas Kahnwald

              You build Sange & Yasha, and Vladimir's Offering on Abaddon for ?


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