General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat is your Smurfing Story?

What is your Smurfing Story? in General Discussion
rip bozo

    I calibrated high 1k when i started playing back on late 2014. I really didn't put too much care about it cause i didn't know what it was for. My friends keep talking about reaching 3k and how good they are so this is when i get interested in mmr climbing.

    I worked my ass off when i reached 2k but something seems not working out for me, im not going anywhere farther so they advised me to create a smurf. So i created a smurf which calibrated me to 3k flat. After several months of playing 3k dota i reached 3.3k - 3.5k and actually got stucked at this bracket. Then my little bro reached 4k flat in his smurf so i got interested in having 4k account as well.

    So i decided to make another account spamming support bara during normal matches, usually queueing with 4kers and ocassionally 5kers and 6kers twice. I played my first calibration match with 4.7k mmr average so i got shocked cause im not really expecting it. I felt intimidated and nervous but i felt i had a good game until the power supply went off. I got abandoned. I was so pissed off and the next day i played calibration it was 4.2k average. Well i got a bit sorry and disappointed but it was bearable cause my original target was 4k. Eventually i discovered that when i play support, even if we won the game the average mmr doesnt gain but when i lose it falls off significantly so i lost focus and played carries forcibly in any lineup i played in. Even in all carry team.

    Eventually i got calibrated at 3.9k about two games short of 4k. For me its not that bad.For me if i wanted to stay and truly be at this bracket i must widen my hero pool not just bara or some other support heroes so i played ranked all the time with different heroes and roles and actually fall off to 3.3k.I was so frustrated and disappointed but eventually rose up and reached 4k flat within 3 months playing with different heroes and roles. I now feel this bracket is now easier for me as i can play comfortably with any heroes i play.

    I must say I improved a lot but i wanted to be better as always. I decided to make another account because from my experience its the fastest and more reliable way to improve my game. Now im playing with my New Account and chose 3-5 heroes to play unlike before with just good ol bara. Im just gonna widen my pool after calibration. Here is my new account

    So guys what are your SMURFING STORY?

    Bu konu düzenlendi
    basement :)

      None. I calibrated at 3.2k and climbed like a normal person.

      Pale Mannie


        Pale Mannie

          didnt read lol

          1-IceTea 🌟

            Didn't active in Dota 2 for long time (5 years+-) met back old school mate gank and they all still play Dota(they still didn't improve much).
            They ask me to play with them and I found out few of them party mmr too low compair to me. - I smurf to get lower party mmr so I will be able to play with them on easier game.But later find out one of them got 900 solo mmr.Try hard to teach him but he never improve or too little.At least can play rank with 4 other but not with the Mr.900mmr

            PS : he make new smurf now is 1.2K xD

            Bu yorum düzenlendi

              I have 5-6 accounts all 5k+
              Top 7020 and 7849


                Calibrated 1200 at early May 2016
                Recalibrated from battle pass mmr to 1500
                Grinded it up to 2000
                Account got VAC banned
                Was offered to trade my 2k acc for this one which was 3k flat (eventually I got my hands on both account since dude got bored of 2k games)
                Grinded it up to 3.3k
                Went back to 2k acc for memes but haven't got the time to grind either of them


                  When I got VACed I was leveling up another smurf, planning to calibrate it at sub 1k for teh lulz but got offered


                    None, I calibrated 1.1 in like early 2015 I think. Ive climbed like Dota wants you to :P

                    1-IceTea 🌟

                      OMG, ywn and Kiktard rival showed


                        Made this account in december 2015 and didn't play very much at first. Calibrated the account at 1300 or 1100 I think.
                        Then I fell to 900 ( didn't really care for dota still, and this was my first game on pc)
                        After I stated to watch YouTube videos of dota I started to get interested. I made my first smurf which calibrated at 2.5k and praticed there. Then came back to my this account and grinded to 2.6k
                        I proceeded to make a 3rd smurf which calibrated at 3.7k and I was able to raise it to 4k but then it swung back and forth with mmr.

                        I switch between account depending on if I want to play my shitty invo I do it on this account or if i want to go full tryhard I'll play on my other account.
                        One day this account will be higher but I get bored and spam heroes I'm terrible with lul

                        Bu yorum düzenlendi
                        QTG 幸せ

                          I started playing dota back in late February 2016. I havent played any mobas or smth before, but i improved fast and in July 2016 i calibrated 2.1k solo mmr. Then i decided to smurf and got a couple of 3k flat accs. And then i started to play on main(yes, its my main) and calibrated 3.6 k. Also atm i have vhs smurf but im too lazy to play on this acc


                            first dota account 1.9k. it's cancer even supports steal last hits or spam spells to get last hits and kills. made this account and hoping i'd be somewhere away from the cancer (one can hope)


                              How tu git vhs


                                my smurfs give me same mmr from acc before smurf
                                so i got 4125mmr here but eventually got to 4600 then fell off to 4400
                                its same shit if u are there u will be there


                                  first dota account 800 mmr. previously 3-3.7k accounts ofc. play some old account a year after i started, shotstomped some noobs and went to hs. but intentional feeding n low priority while stacking with 1k mmr friend killed it and i calibrate 2.7.

                                  Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                  rip bozo

                                    Feels badman goethe my twin

                                    rip bozo

                                      I like you goethe you lil badass thug

                                      1-IceTea 🌟


                                        rip bozo

                                          TRASH AFK CARRY same i still play 2k and 3k flat wuth my friends for the memes of course

                                          1 MMR SOLO

                                            I calibrated at 1.6k mmr and now my solo mmr is 1.. feelsblackman.

                                            1-IceTea 🌟

                                              ^So out lul 1 at 2017


                                                So smurfing works ?


                                                  For getting high MMR? Yes
                                                  Staying there? Different story

                                                  rip bozo

                                                    1 Solo mmr you are my spirit animal feelsblackman

                                                    rip bozo

                                                      Of course jacked but your sole purpose should be to improve

                                                      rip bozo

                                                        Agreed trash afk carry


                                                          Hey jacked I magically skipped 1k mmr and get 58%+ winrate there haHAA

                                                          1 MMR SOLO

                                                            I cant even get out of 100 mmr . And u guys are talking about 1k mmr...


                                                              Have never smurfed :(


                                                                What if using a gifted account also counts as smurfing :thinking:


                                                                  Never used any other account :(


                                                                    i got low prio on main

                                                                    now deleted is using it for shitposting purposes


                                                                      i go to gamenet with my friend a lot and my phone is broken and steam gaurd smh

                                                                      and that's about it


                                                                        Brb imma make a smurf and post how to git vhs


                                                                          Hello my name is riki and i come from bosnia, i started playing dota 2 years ago, i play and calibrated at 1k, i got dissapointed and tried to git gud and climbed up to 3k, but ended up being stuck there, i felt sad and decided to take a walk, i didnt know how long ive been walking but pretty sure i ended up in the woods and fell into a manhole, i looked around and turns out its a cave, then i saw a cauldron (i think it was the cauldron of skill people talked about), then i saw a shining black dude popping out of it, curious, i asked who the fuck is he, and he introduced himself as symetrical and will guide me to get higher mmr in trade of my virginity and sanity, i was like "what the fuck is this kind of bullshit? of course i'll take it, easiest decision in my life" and he told me to create a new account and told me the secrets of getting vhs, (ill tell u all the secret at the end of the story) shortly after suddenly everything becomes bright and i ended up being back at my home, at the next day, in the morning, it was sunday and i instantly jumped on my pc, tried what he said, and i did it, i played and played and played, few days later, i unlocked ranked matchmaking and calibrated that account to 4.8k, played some games there, and went back to my 3k account and grinded it up to 5k by playing support because i got rsi on one of my hands due to excessive fapping to cookie monster, shortly after i found the land of dotabuff and thought it would be a good place for me to wave my epenis and brag about my 5k mmr, but now my loss of sanity becomes worse and worse and so is my syphilis (thx symetrical nice chloroform) and i cant play that much anymore, i think i have like 2 more month to live and i want to reach 7k before i die so at least some people will remember me
                                                                          also the secret is destroying the enemy ancient

                                                                          Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                            I star with 2.7k mmr during 2013 thrn i spam omni til got 3.2 then then i recreate account then calibrate 4.3k after this i recreate 3 account then calibrate between 4.2k or 4.8k even its on normal skill.
                                                                            I just abuse my stat and perform the best during calibration

                                                                            rip bozo

                                                                              Trash afk pass me the weed already

                                                                              rip bozo

                                                                                No keeping you can't be normal skill and 4k at the same time well unless you party with 2k then the game will be played at normall to high skill

                                                                                rip bozo

                                                                                  L m a o

                                                                                  rip bozo

                                                                                    Quality weed bruh



                                                                                      rip bozo

                                                                                        Sure bro but its very hard to do


                                                                                          How ?@trash afk carry


                                                                                            By being an actual 4k/high mmr player, well, Cookie made an experiment of it once, and calibrated every single NS unranked freshly uncalibrated account to 4k
                                                                                            Not easy to do if you're just a smurf who abuse the system

                                                                                            rip bozo

                                                                                              Yeah it is


                                                                                                what is smurfing ? i wan to know

                                                                                                  rip bozo

                                                                                                    Google it jandacrispy you'll find better explanation

                                                                                                    rip bozo

                                                                                                      Lol dude way back 2014 lmao


                                                                                                        hey papa smurf actually page one is closed....
                                                                                                        noob and gayshit comments onpage 2