General Discussion

General Discussionmy road to 6k in pics

my road to 6k in pics in General Discussion

    ty riki so ez aftually

    1-IceTea 🌟

      6.0K won't hit leaderboard make it 7K and be the proud of Dotabuff


        I was trying riki, 46games 63% wr. no idea what im doing wrong.was rushing diffusal but now i think echo sabre first is the hell do i tell SEA monkeys to let me solo offlane, i dont think they understand english. ps i like all heroes :D i want mmr.

        Player 175043649

          pls confirm, i want to watch your replays


            i hate riki when he farts in the right moment of clash. those smoke he farted can really change the tide of the clash.

            wp man!

            1-IceTea 🌟

              1 more Riki spammer after frank,one more good soul went invi and will never been seen again.

              Razer 377i

                Im a big fan of riki too, If you check my profile on early games I abused riki :)

                doc joferlyn simp

                  Hey that's pretty good.


                    ur goal is to make 6 k accounts. so u will just have many 6k accounts that are not on the leaderboard. because ur not good enough

                    1-IceTea 🌟

                      ^ayy now u said that words and the magic gone,I want to lurk him to say it himself I did that for 2 days and u ruin it xD

                      Bu yorum düzenlendi

                        go ahead kids like jacked forever staying in 1k solo. my piece of advice to you is that bullshitting in dotabuff forum wont make ur mmr rise.

                        its 2017 and you are still 1k, you should feel ashamed

                        maybe try LOL?


                          while icetea is still a 4k scrub, just sad

                          doc joferlyn simp

                            Jacked fuck you. Frank was actually contributing to discussion and was showcasing his 6k knowledge. Why do you have to be juvenile.


                              jacked just likes to piss people off


                                Why do I feel frank is becoming nicer these days

                                the M


                                  this thread just made my day


                                    Gonna try it too xD

                                    doc joferlyn simp

                                      Nice good for you man now go make your mother's day and get a life.




                                          Sad part is that it doesnt matter what mmr you got you will always be called 1k 2k 3k 4k 5k 6k scrub.

                                          Player 404335202

                                            ^ true

                                            Player 175043649

                                              how do you call people below 1k mmr @klonu

                                              1-IceTea 🌟

                                                go ahead kids like jacked forever staying in 1k solo. my piece of advice to you is that bullshitting in dotabuff forum wont make ur mmr rise.
                                                its 2017 and you are still 1k, you should feel ashamed
                                                maybe try LOL?

                                                zDonFrank 8 hours ago
                                                while icetea is still a 4k scrub, just sad

                                                Signor Rapira 8 hours ago
                                                Jacked fuck you. Frank was actually contributing to discussion and was showcasing his 6k knowledge. Why do you have to be juvenile.

                                                R🐉 7 hours ago
                                                jacked just likes to piss people off

                                                所有看见眼睛 7 hours ago
                                                Why do I feel frank is becoming nicer these days

                                                the M 7 hours ago
                                                AHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHH CAN'T STOP LAUGHING
                                                this thread just made my day


                                                  Below 1k is same as 1k, cant go 0k mmr xD but thats not a point

                                                  all role player

                                                    Make Guide plz Frank I want to master the art of stomping 4ks with riki

                                                    Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                      @OP teach me your ways senpai

                                                      all role player

                                                        can i ask question?
                                                        what do you think the most annoying heroes to deal when u use riki?

                                                        doc joferlyn simp

                                                          Hmm, maybe, I don't know, Slardar and Bounty Hunter???

                                                          1-IceTea 🌟

                                                            ^Answer is IO,BH,brood an BB

                                                            Player 153433446

                                                              How long does it take to get account to 6k mmr and what is the price range for such account?

                                                              Gabba Gabba Games TTV

                                                                I dont understand why 3k people ^ (this guy, because nobody just asks "oh hey how much does it cost to buy a 6k account") want to buy an account at 6k... youre 3k and you belong there you will lose 99% of the games at 6k so dont waste the money on your moms credit card and earn 6k yourself....


                                                                  @Lelouch lamperouji-

                                                                  most annoying early game = pudge, spirit breaker

                                                                  Player 153433446

                                                                    @gaylover...just curious..not buying anything


                                                                      First pick or last pick bro?

                                                                      ILC - Lethal Ninja

                                                                        Thats possible only when you have decent team mates that pick complementary to you.. Shit load of idiots in 4k expecting riki to support.. I have lower myself to position 4 riki and yet people dont pick support and many times i need to do position 5 riki.. those idiot pro players used it as position 5 hero and sucks big time and people start pointing riki as position 5 hero.. i used to be very efficient as position 3 riki as offlane until i got reported too often into lp and i started adapted my play to position 4 and winning is difficult when you roam too much without killing.. damn this report system



                                                                          fear is the mind killer

                                                                            lmfao this guy deserve some respect, good fuvking job dude


                                                                              @大神.9号帅到分手 I first pick every game, i dont give a fuck about counter

                                                                              @ILC - EVIL DENTIST i dont need complementary picks at all, i just first pick and do my stuffs. the reason i could easily steamroll in 4k matches is that im just too good for them. most of the games i just carried my mates even when they were shitty. I hardly lose any games in 4k.

                                                                              @LadiesMan217 thanks man



                                                                                1 MMR SOLO

                                                                                  Frank can u give me tips so that i can reach 6k mmr 1 day too?

                                                                                  Currently mine mmr is only 1


                                                                                    nice photoshop LOL


                                                                                      u should make video or something


                                                                                        I just like to fuck with franky. Hey frank. Will lol make me a better dota player?

                                                                                        Also I see nothing wrong with what I said just saying he ain't on the leaderboard. And that the only thing we know is that he plays one hero at 6k level. Lul. Infer what u want.


                                                                                          @zDonFrank I just wonder why do you get tranqs ? Well i get it its health regen. Why not treads? As i analyze your games you always buy obs and sentry in the beginning of the game. So is that means you are a 4th POS as always ? Rushing your items to delete one of the opponent hero all the time in clash. Is that how you deal with it? or is this a typical offlane? i cant understand so much lots of game to look at. Can i add you in steam? i wanna see some replays .


                                                                                            "go ahead kids like jacked forever staying in 1k solo. my piece of advice to you is that bullshitting in dotabuff forum wont make ur mmr rise.
                                                                                            its 2017 and you are still 1k, you should feel ashamed
                                                                                            maybe try LOL?"

                                                                                            says this, still posts his "great" accomplishments in dbuff forum to get a little attention. there's literally no other reason to post it. well played sir u'r a great player who can shit on 1k to 3k ppl in the forum when nobody cares about mmr in the fuckin forum most of us are chillin here so take ur shit somewhere that ppl care next time tnx


                                                                                              i like how people like jacked and Sia who are sub 3k trying to get attention but shit posting everywhere. poor little kids

                                                                                              @haven~ I mostly play offlane. I buy everything myself. you can download replay using the match id.


                                                                                                Lol got called out for trying to get attention by the biggest attention seeker. Feels good. I'm just trying to learn bruhv franky


                                                                                                  ^ continue your attention seeking. normally no one gives a shit about sub 4k in dotabuff unless they ask for help, but with these sub 4ks shitting around like you, its just seeking attention from people, as no one pays attention to people without bluestars.

                                                                                                  Giff me Wingman

                                                                                                    U are dogshit, noone cares, pls gtfo, ty


                                                                                                      "i like how people like jacked and Sia who are sub 3k trying to get attention but shit posting everywhere. poor little kids"

                                                                                                      makes me actually feel bad for u haha literally saying u want attention when we just answer questions and talk and chill while u show us ur big booty mmr. have u actually posted 1 cmnt that could help a lower skilled player boi?