General Discussion

General Discussionwhat about dota tilts you the most?

what about dota tilts you the most? in General Discussion

    losing 1v9


      people that tilt

      Cheap Laugh Guy

        and thus you tilt into infinity as you get tilted by your tilted self and so on


          not getting 1 last hit in an entire creep wave


            When people refuse to communicate.


              People who think they know everything and refuse to communicate or play as a team
              Also trashes with 1337 play hour that talk in dota 1 language
              "Care kunkka buriza!"
              "Omg nevermore"
              *picks pudge and asks for mid*
              "Oldschool dota best dota"
              "Old but gold"
              Go back to your battle net pls

              Gaming is Dead

                People that speak on the mic thinking they are a pro streamer and literally 90% of their calls are wrong

                casual gamer

                  lasering for a cs and not getting it rofl

                  the realm's delight

                    3 heroes in my lane at 2 minutes


                      Jdf pls not like this

                      casual gamer

                        3 heroes in my lane at 2 minutes

                        i thought this was default if you pick sf?


                          people who give up in a game that is still winnable. And just giving up in general.

                          one syllable anglo-saxon

                            feeding a lane because u're retarded

                            the realm's delight

                              i thought this was default if you pick sf?

                              happens on every hero tbh including safe lane


                                U win early game and enemy team starts playing tight but everyone on your team just starts playing recklessly and not adapting to the situation. Basically throwing early games is the most tilting shit in the world


                                  3 hero is you enemy and cour lmao.


                                    Playing like a garbage moron

                                    QTG 幸せ

                                      Afk not ganging during laning stage supps and non-communicating guys i think


                                        an ember think he's good at doto and people who got carried by their team yet they feel good about themselves winning

                                        Player 404335202

                                          Losing a ranked match and trying hard again to gain mmr that u lost !

                                          Player 404335202

                                            If i want to grind my mmr from 3.5k to 4.5k why it cant be simple ? Just win every game and move ... But no .. 3 wins are always followed by 3 loses ! And i m reporting every 1 whos name is mid or feed...

                                            codeine daddy

                                              Losing against russians/ have russians or turkishits in my team.


                                                When my 2 core line up wants to have a farm war against a 4 core line up rather then push our early advantage.
                                                Getting killed going to ward and having them kill my wards all in one swoop...

                                                casual gamer

                                                  i had an enemy 6k random earthshaker, then his 4.9k picked alch mid when i already picked ursa

                                                  i think i wouldve abandoned if i was that 6k

                                                  Gaming is Dead

                                                    Also retards that sit still and type all game instead of just fucking playing


                                                      Those games where you're in your zone, winning your lane but you keep getting random x killed y notifications and when you check the score it's 2-15 or something retarded like that in under 10 minutes.

                                                      Honorable mention - This game:

                                                      Rubick jungled, I ended up offlane with SF because sniper wanted mid, 0 sentries by rubick who figured octarine and Euls were more important against Clinkz and Weaver, 30 min agha and 42 min manta for am.

                                                      PS. AM and Invo in my bracket is instaloss so anytime there's one on your team, 9 times out of 10 the game is lost at the drafting stage.

                                                      Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                        When your jungler begs for tangos, pings you incessantly

                                                        When you have an LC who refuses to skill Q

                                                        When you have a WK who refuses to skill Q

                                                        When you have a sniper/drow who is always front line and dying

                                                        When every ward is bought and placed and wards are on CD at the shop yet your team is bitching about needing wards


                                                          when we have as stupid line up and theres nothing you can do but lose the lane but u literally have no where to fall back to because you have,as already mentioned, a stupid lineup. so you feed, and the really triggering thing is, your team starts to wonder why.

                                                          casual gamer

                                                            when we have as stupid line up and theres nothing you can do but lose the lane but u literally have no where to fall back to because you have,as already mentioned, a stupid lineup. so you feed, and the really triggering thing is, your team starts to wonder why.

                                                            yeah if im slardar offlane and jungle doom is taking my camps i just want to play stupid in lane so i die over and over, just to punish this retard for picking jungle doom and fucking me over


                                                              autistic complaint threads people post on dota forums


                                                                well im sure ppl in your games are smart enough to realize that trade-offs occur with their actions and hero picks. so you shouldnt be dealing with overly cancerous and delusional teammates xD

                                                                casual gamer

                                                                  its more of an issue in low average games where im playing with people 1000 mmr below me XD

                                                                  1-IceTea 🌟

                                                                    Shit,did JDF8 saying I took his jungle n 1k below him?

                                                                    Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                                    casual gamer

                                                                      i mean in solo ranked lol

                                                                      casual gamer

                                                                        also nyx really only wants xp and has insane sustain so its not as much of a problem

                                                                        aslo i needed you to carry me i had 240 ping rofl


                                                                          when someone feeds (special+trolling) and feed couriers
                                                                          the only line not fucked is yours
                                                                          random pickers in ranked
                                                                          when you pick hardlane and here comes riki trying to cs your farm
                                                                          my team supports with 15-20 deaths in 30-40 min game

                                                                          i guess its common 2k things

                                                                          Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                                          1-IceTea 🌟

                                                                            ^I single hand carry a blue star boy xD


                                                                              so what about dota tilts me the most...
                                                                              I guess it would be the bad-faith of some dota player, I means:
                                                                              - This random idiot (sometimes one of the supports) that will spam "we need wards!" after getting gank while the whole enemy team was visible on the map.
                                                                              - This support that will flame his carry for not being able to farm while he forced him tu buy the courrier and was competiting with him for last hit.
                                                                              - This guy that go AFK split-push while his team is defending and ask "where is team?" when one or two of the enemy tp back to kill him
                                                                              - This feeder that will say to his team "guys stop feeding plz" while he is the only one with a negative KDA

                                                                              Luckily I don't see them often, maybe one every 10 matchs.

                                                                              Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                                              Ghastly Wail

                                                                                Aggressiv Idiots who are chasing enemys behind t2, dying and than blaming support/team for not chasing with him and letting him die.


                                                                                  People who tower dive for kills instead of taking objectives make me want to punch children


                                                                                    me tils most when i feed and team report me and we win game cause i created space down


                                                                                      I tilt when we r ahead and someone starts throwing. I dont mean a bad fight. I mean when ur ahead by a mile and tinker (on my friends list) gets triggered for some unknown reason, tho i think its cuz we ksed him a couple times, and sells all his items, and paints the entire mid lane with sentry wards, then feeds. I was actually screaming into my mic the whole game, and the other guy in my party was telling the enemy team i was tilted after i already flamed the absolute shit out of the tinker.
                                                                                      Needless to say i reported and unfriended and hope his family dies leaving him a crippling void of darkness forever tormented by his demons.

                                                                                      BIG OUNCE *REAL STREET NI₲₲A

                                                                                        Missing cs in the first two minutes as wex invoker l0l

                                                                                        The Medic Guy

                                                                                          when people do mistake and i ask
                                                                                          me : "why you do that? you can *insert a better suggestion*"
                                                                                          retard : "who cares, stfú just play"
                                                                                          me : "?"
                                                                                          retard : "*insert some insulting word* your mother"

                                                                                          Lets do Science

                                                                                            hey ssss, yer anglish is of many bads. you should do over better!

                                                                                            Massive Dynamic

                                                                                              People in party who intentionally feed first blood in ranked so the match counts, then abandon the game so it's an auto lose.


                                                                                                0-10 no coordination support


                                                                                                  Play in SEA


                                                                                                    When I lose, having won my lane, with positive KDA and high general stats, without any chance to comeback.

                                                                                                    I feel desperate in these moments, but there's nothing you can possibly do.

                                                                                                    When it happens a few games in a row or relatively frequently in a small time frame, I may get buttmad and quit for a while (now).

                                                                                                    I don't care about my team's performance, it just angers, whenever a lose feels heavily undeserved.

                                                                                                    There's no worse game scenario.
                                                                                                    If I am feeding and doing bad I am less angry. Like "I am fucking 3-6, so I've done bad myself, I deserve to lose this, but will try not to".

                                                                                                    But when I am doing great and just lose, it's the worst possible experience I can get.

                                                                                                    Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                                                                    casual gamer

                                                                                                      losing 3 hour long games of lpq in 2 days


                                                                                                        for a second there i thought you said you lost multiple 3 hour games.