General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to go directly from Dotabuff profiles to Steam profiles

How to go directly from Dotabuff profiles to Steam profiles in General Discussion
Water Vapor Merchant

    I need to know how to directly go from someone's Dotabuff profile to their Steam profile. I'm carrying out a project that requires both Dota information and Steam info (including Steam ID), and SteamRep almost never works reliably on user names. Being able to go directly to the steam userpage will enable me to gather this information quickly without wasting time searching through Steam Rep or another service for hours trying to look for that person's avatar and match it up with the name.


      Click the steam_0:1:60145779 part.

      You can then admire my beautiful steam profile

      Bu yorum düzenlendi

        no need my steam profile is private but ty for fanning me

        Water Vapor Merchant

          Many thanks, HotSalza. And might I say, that is indeed a very lovely profile.


            ^salsa is a teenage asian male cuck fyi


              Lovely profile =/= u look gud girl

              1-IceTea 🌟

                Seem like lot of hockey ppl would like to play with Salza in the backdoor


                  I only speed skate.