General Discussion

General DiscussionCalibrate now or wait until I reach VHS?

Calibrate now or wait until I reach VHS? in General Discussion

    Anyone guys?


      u will reach ur mmr that u have on ur main in no time, its waste of time u spamm meepo on bellow 3k bracket and u lose that means u are bad


        Lol losing is part of the game. I'm doing my best in every matches. It doesn't mean that if you lose its your fault.


          if you lose in the bracket that people play with their knees then dont ask about calibrating and stuff, u belong in this bracket w/e u calibrate now or later, and yes u can get vh skill but u will drop in no time

          Player 404335202

            I can tell u you .. U ll have mmr around 3.2k ! And there is very less chance that u ll get vhs NOW !


              I guess you should just go for it dude. Yolo. But its rather impossible to vhs now.

              monk, tibetan

                If you were really VHS material then you would've gotten it after your 5th game or smth. Just calibrate now, then you should just climb it up.


                  you end up in normal skill bracket later regardless, just cz u play bad. it has nothing to do with luck/unluck.
                  dsnt matter whether u wait or nah, the outcome's the same.

                  Bu yorum düzenlendi
                  Visita Hari Danta

                    doesn't matter, you'll never reach vhs ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


                      u truly are sufail


                        Am i playing bad? I guess winning or losing can't dictate how well you play in a match and it's not the basis of playing good or bad.


                          Doesn't matter, both are time sink


                            I guess winning or losing can't dictate how well you play in a match and it's not the basis of playing good or bad.

                            You're just looking for excuses and can't accept the fact that you don't deserve VHS


                              Lol. I don't want to get VHS instantly, I just want to improve my skill and do my very best in order to reach my skill capacity.

                              Player 175043649

                                just play mmr till 3.7k for vhs


                                  I can help u get vhs sir, contact me..


                                    wait until u get grandma


                                      Then go calibrate
                                      Playing pubs won't get you anywhere


                                        Lol. I don't want to get VHS instantly, I just want to improve my skill and do my very best in order to reach my skill capacity.

                                        Then just calibrate and grind your mmr till you get vhs, plus if you cant get vhs within your first 10 games as a smurf
                                        you dont belong to vhs


                                          Well in my first 6 games I was in normal skill bracket, then seventh game was high skill bracket. I only reach VHS when my games reach 20++


                                            DONT BUILD AGHANISM IF YOU DONT HAVE ETHEREAL ..


                                              when ppl say "bad" it means either lower mmr than themselves or they're at the same lvl or lower and are just talkin shit

                                              just play and calibrate asap it wont get that better to w8.

                                              all role player

                                                Just calibrate... Even if You have 10 winstreak u still stuck at high skill or ns