General Discussion

General DiscussionTa's power limit

Ta's power limit in General Discussion

    Viper, sf, jugg, am, Luna, dusa. Where does ta land? assuming the most optimized item build is used against each hero in a 1vs1 situation.


      Depends on who is using the hero tbh.

      Just learning to play TA well can earn you a couple hundred MMR because very few people know what the hell to do when they are dying in 2/3 hits.


        You kindof rely on team because you need to w8 till you get bkb. If you jump in like a retard you will instantly die.

        1-IceTea 🌟

          You need to be able to hit 1K GPM with TA then maybe you will have a chance to saw her potential

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            chance to saw her potential

            Me licetea me no speek engrish haha

            1-IceTea 🌟

              ^Wow now u want to insult language?really?
              Fucking 1k crab that can't play Dota,fail to get any girl and are you doing good in any subject?Pay more attention of your fail life before in becoming more miserable.
              I am here to use insult words in the purpose of help you wake up,even people hate me it's fine,as long as I help them,I am always that kind :smile:

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                Normal skill

                very good csgo player

                  1k subhuman shitstain strikes again


                    If you don't get 1k gpm then you aren't a good ta player

                    L A C S Z X C

                      Learn not to be attacked by creeps while chasing heroes.... I got 940gpm on my ta just a luck