General Discussion

General DiscussionMagnus mid

Magnus mid in General Discussion

    How viable is him now since his big nerf to his talent? How good is he on solo carrying teammate? What do you build to focus on solo carry and how good is he on late game?


      mag is a great mid hero with escape, especially in your bracket you can do tons of things and get your ez mmr

      not arin

        someone who has a bkb-piercing-3.75s-aoe stun will always be relevant.


          He's cool
          But definitely not a baby hero that you can start playing decently after 10 games like luna

          Catsys Rivers

            When Magnus goes mid with his magnificent horn, that's so good at skewering, my Mirana purrs.

            That said, yes. Magnus is still the best wing man you could ever hope for in this game. So very viable.


              But please don't be an egoistic jerk and afk farm eating space like you're AM without giving your carry empower even after you get your key items
              This happened nearly every single time I get a magnus in my team

              Player 345068850
                Yorum silindi
                Player 345068850

                  Pretty strong mid.I got a friend who spams him mid and wins 70% of the games.Although the +50 dmg talent is gone.


                    i havent ever seen more magnuses being picked in my games than i see now, also usually doing pretty well


                      Im actually looking at some viable mid now that can push rlly hard. I also like being the initiator too so i think magnus is a great choice for me. What item do you go for? Is echo always your 1st big item? When do you go for sb? Bloodtorn after or before refresher

                      Player 345068850

                        First item my fren usually goes for is either echo or blink.The timing should be around 15 mins to have boths after that its either sb or bloodthorn.After that its all situational.This is from my observations i made while playing with him.


                          Im currenly expending my hero pool. Im searching for a great mid initiator in tf and also a tf hero. So my choice is either magnus invoker or sf. I have already played sf and i love that hero. So now its either invoker or magnus. Also my choice for invoker is the exort build since most of my games goes late game and i generally love splitpushing.


                            Sf is bad in pubs without team coordination and invoker is hard. Magnus usually goes echo > blink but afterwards u can go fast bkb, ac, silver edge, bloodthorn, late game items are basically ur generic carry items. U have to carry as magnus now because if he goes too much utility then he falls off. The strength talent is still good tho even tho they scrapped 50 dmg. Its not as good, but it gets buffed by empower and u have an empower talent later on so its not exactly 12 dmg ur getting from it.


                              When I play Magnus, I rush blink after boots so i can fight better and initiate. I always go force staff and Shivas Guard to get in and out of fights. I only tried him with Echo and Silveredge for about 3 games now and it is quite fun but I always look at games from Ar1se to teach me more about Magnus.