General Discussion

General DiscussionRace to 3k anyone?

Race to 3k anyone? in General Discussion
Bobby knuckles

    1.5k Scrub here cant get myself motivated enough to grind solo mmr. Anyone having similar goals feel free to add me.


      Race me and fx lol


        Nvm I got baited

        1-IceTea 🌟

          ^who are you?

          Bobby knuckles

            I'm down for it with anyone, add me if you can or I will do it myself later. Whatever satisfies your ego. We are both in SEA which makes it even better.


              I'll do it
              I just got baited into thinking you are an actual 1k scrub lol


                I can't believe you went in there
                Now wash your hands, you filthy bear


                  lmao lets go
                  first one to 3k wins ;)

                  Bu yorum düzenlendi
                  Bobby knuckles

                    5 MMR away from 3k? Challenge accepted.

                    Player 404335202

                      Count me in guys


                        How come u have good win rate and u deserved to be 4k ...

                        Bobby knuckles

                          I'm almost 2k mate, will get there eventually. I can't get myself motivated enough to suffer and walk through the toxic land of SEA solo mmr.


                            I predict 5.5k main

                            Bobby knuckles

                              And here I am struggling to hit 3k.


                                give me 2 accounts with 1 mmr i'll beat you to 3k before you guys can hit it naturally

                                Bobby knuckles

                                  ^Too bad I have a life and unlike you can't play 9 games per day. Still let me know when you get that 1k account, we can still try to do it.

                                  Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                    who said i don't have a life, i just don't lose in low mmr when i tryhard

                                    Bobby knuckles

                                      5.5k! WOW you must be getting laid all the time with that mmr. On a side note do let me know if you ever get your hands on that 1k account.

                                      Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                        Pretty sure you can't grind 6k mmr in total faster than I can log in on my 3k account, scrub get good first before you challenge

                                        Player 345068850

                                          ^Idk why but im laugh so hard on this lol


                                            i mean if it was a bet, it'd be pretty fair

                                            takes me about 25 min to win a game, add another 5ish for pick phase and queue and i can do bout 2 games an hour

                                            20 games in 10 hours

                                            it'd take me 15 days to get both accs to 3k from 1 mmr


                                              I can predict what cookie will commended. He will say fight me puppeyface

                                              Bobby knuckles

                                                "it'd take me 15 days to get both accs to 3k from 1 mmr" - 🍩🍪Cookie🍪🍩

                                                "who said i don't have a life" - 🍩🍪Cookie🍪🍩

                                                Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                Bobby knuckles

                                                  Atleast have a 1k account with you before you go on challenging other 1k scrubs.

                                                  Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                    10 hours a day to play is still a no lifers thing to do tho
                                                    Let's say you have 3 hours to play everyday
                                                    240 wins minimum
                                                    120 hours of gameplay
                                                    40 days to win the race

                                                    2 hours to play everyday
                                                    2 month to win the race

                                                    I say it's gucci since I'm a disgusting low skill casual pleb that only play once every 3 days and shit

                                                    Cancer Malaria

                                                      sure i like to join in the challenge, though I only play max 3 games a day and sometimes even skip a whole week of not playing dota at all but Im targeting to get 3K mmr before end of 2017


                                                        If not for the shitty internet, I'll probably join this amazing race. Good luck to you guys.

                                                        Bobby knuckles

                                                          Anyone who is interested in doing this can add me or I will add you if I get back to this thread. Just to make it clear, I for one don't really give a fuck even if you play dota all day, you can still add me if you are interested in the so called race. Usually I get enough time to play 1-2 games per day and sometimes I don't get time to play for several days, I just need some motivation to focus on solo mmr and grind all the way to 3k.


                                                            Alright bitch u're on.
                                                            Let's race.

                                                            go add me, my account is restricted. Topkek

                                                            You should add all names and current MMR on every guy who is in this race.

                                                            Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                            Cancer Malaria

                                                              add me


                                                                il race u 2 :3


                                                                  i won jon jones :P


                                                                    race me

                                                                    white boy summer

                                                                      dude is better than me=lets flame him for being "nolife" and not getting laid and shit while all u also do is play dota but being a complete noob

                                                                      Bobby knuckles

                                                                        @bloodeagle Another dumb piece of shit looking for attention by bumping a dead thread. It only takes a minute to look at someone's profile to see how trash they actually are and how much they play in a day (apparently according to you playing 1-2 games a day is playing dota all day). Putting that aside since your down syndrome is preventing you to see what's happening here I'm gonna waste a minute of my time to explain to you why I said that (even tho its pretty fucking clear). He is a condescending ass hat who came in thinking that we would be awestruck when he claims that he can play 10 hours a day and get 2 accounts from 1 mmr to 3k. I take it as a game and that's all there is to it. I came here looking for guys around my mmr, not to have a retard tell me how he can play 10 hours a day taking 2 accounts from 1 mmr to 3k. I don't give a shit about how noob or pro someone is, I would listen and respect a higher mmr player ingame but he wont influence me in any other way. This thread had a clear purpose and he tried to come in here with his weeaboo shit trying to impress some lower mmr players but turns out no one gives a fuck.
                                                                        I'm happy where I am right now trying to improve one game at a time and unlike you I will never jump on a higher mmr players dick because for me its just a game. I doubt this will get through your thick skull but atleast I tried.

                                                                        @BINUS_FTW Good job mate.

                                                                        Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                          Good luck.


                                                                            ill race ya


                                                                              Im in. Will spam techies to get there too

                                                                              Bobby knuckles

                                                                                Majority of people interested in this are already 3k which is confusing. Anyways, if you are really 2k and interested in this feel free to add me.

                                                                                casual gamer

                                                                                  if i picked brood i think i could speedrun 1k games lol

                                                                                  casual gamer

                                                                                    man u went from 0 to 100 real quick in terms of flaming

                                                                                    Bu yorum düzenlendi



                                                                                        jdf8 my senpai xd tryna play with him for a week by now lol


                                                                                          Ya Radiant brood can flash farm ancients, offlane jungle and grab rune at 5:00 and 7:00 and beyond.

                                                                                          Basically can be Lv 25 and 4-slotted at 25:00. Then go end game if your team isnt autistic


                                                                                            well thats the joke, id have to fall in mmr to reach 3k.


                                                                                              1st game +27

                                                                                              Late game we are turtled in base. I smoke/Tp to shrine, mine it and later get triple kill when enemy leaves rosh and walks past our shop. My Team walks down mid and wins.


                                                                                                Th i never farm my own jungle as brood. If my FUCKING PARENT goes out to other country again i might speedrun games with luna and brood and be 3k in no time


                                                                                                  goes out to other country again i might speedrun games with luna and brood and be 3k in no time



                                                                                                    I know its you bws


                                                                                                      Rofl that Cockie how stupid is he


                                                                                                        But im in, sitting on 2.5k so i hope i can do it in few years 😃