General Discussion

General Discussion2k mmr taste 5k mmr

2k mmr taste 5k mmr in General Discussion

    vs 5k mmr are same gameplay with 2k mmr? or the enemy team more harder. please do help





          how can u not watch a 5k match, and watch a 2k match, and not know that they are 2 universes apart? whenever i spectate those high mmr games my balls shrink and i quiver in fear


            Seriously though. Just my perception.

            0k-2k - a noticeably low skill level for any remotely decent player.

            2k-4k - a higher, but still bad, better than the previous.

            4k-5k - a mix of calibrated accounts, climbers, good/bad players, even if some players here are good, they lack decision-making, can't react fast enough, etc. Still a dumpster, but the king of dumpster brackets.

            5k-6k - from a side perspective these players are either extremely toxic, narcissistic and unwilling to cooperate or very chill and calm. Either way, they react, make quality decisions and micro greater than an average 4k and I can see it. Doesn't feel unreachable, though, just better players.

            6k+ - haven't played with them.

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              0k-1k - autoattack creeps in lane. dive t3s at 3 minutes then die. and what's a minimap?

              1k-2k - some attemps at CSing, but still bad. teamfights are mostly everyone mashes all abilities and stacks stuns until heroes die. or until out of mana, because you keep using your 160 mana spell to kill a single melee creep. at least you stopped clicking on abilities and items.

              2k-3k - CSing starts being ok for some players here. map awareness spidey sense starts being a thing, but not always sure what to do about tingling. players still mostly stack stuns, and ping enemy rax after one good teamfight even if enemy creeps are pushing in. don't know how to finish games, and desperation starts even if well ahead.

              3k-4k - CSing is decent, most players have mechanical skills down, but don't get item/hero timings right even if it's a vague concept they understand. still have issues about not knowing what to do as far as the overall game goes.

              4k-9k - I have zero experience here. must be witchcraft? small animal sacrifice before queuing I'm assuming.

              Bu yorum düzenlendi
              Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

       this is a 3.7k average. I was the invoker (my smurf to play with my low skilled friends) in that acc I have 4.6 solo mmr and 4.2 in party. can you see the difference right?


                  10k mmr same - very bad possitioning, low gameplay, no support, no wards - trust me. 99% players are 2 low for theyr bracket, including me lol.


                    1-5k animals
                    6-10k possibly humans


                      ooKOOKOOK AAAAAAAAAAAAK


                        ^^ LUL

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                          At 2-3k mmr, I can tell you quite frankly what I need to work on.

                          1) Item timing - getting that great early CS and kills to have my items in time to do well.
                          2) Support Positioning - playing a support and not dying even 1-2 times because I was out of position.
                          3) Knowing when to farm and when to fight
                          4) Positive Mental Attitude

                          If I didn't get angry and give up mentally, I could more than likely me 3-4k mmr.

                          Bu yorum düzenlendi
                          Story Time

                            mmr is just a number :D


                              What I've noticed/think

                              0k-3k - Doesn't know how to use keyboard and they are playing something else and not dota, 0 on everything, games last hours, nobody knows what to do at all.
                              3k - 4k - Not so much different except some people can press buttons at the right time, but still 0 game sense.
                              4k - 5k - This is where I've met a lot of smurfs, the most toxic bracket of all time I think, everyones just fucking retarded here mostly, can press buttons SOMETIMES, game understanding is getting better, but it's still pretty bad and just many more things to mention that they lack.
                              5k - 6k - Players are noticeably better, but still nothing special, some can lane pretty well, farm decently, you can meet toxic people still, but it's nothing close compared to 4k games, but decision making is still a huge problem here, people still die in the most stupid ways sometimes and walk like a headless chicken.
                              6k - 7k - Nothing really special, but game understanding is pretty good, decision making is actually ok 90% of the time, they can lane well, farm well, they don't make retarded plays that often, actually pretty good place to play in, nearly perfect doto.
                              7k - 8k - This is where things start to get more interesting, some players are just really fucking good, they can destroy you in lane really hard if they spot even a smallest mistake, they make good decisions almost always, they do everything just about right, but still some players are not that much better than some random 6k's.
                              8k+ - Haven't played against and with a lot of them, just a few, and they are really fucking good, everything's about the same as before, but they are just a little bit better at everything, but not so much difference still, I guess just depends on a player.
                              9k+ haven't met any so far :[ FeelsBadMan