General Discussion

General DiscussionYour worst hero learning attempts

Your worst hero learning attempts in General Discussion

    List heroes, which you've tried to seriously learn sometime in the past, be it relatively distant or recent, but failed miserably.

    Heroes, on which you honestly suck according to your own perception and objectively crap KDA/winrate over 10+ games.

    Heroes, which you wouldn't even pick for yourself.

    Mine would be Antimage, Faceless Void, Slardar, Doom, OD, Clinkz, BS, TA, Storm, Kunkka.

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    one syllable anglo-saxon

      puck, sf, ck, storm(i had 24% winrate after first 30 games), morph


        Lina. I just dont know what is the most optimal to build her. Her stun needs a whole day to cast one ability, she's more fragile than a glass, and I dont know what is her laning role since buying wards will make her fall off levels and useless throughout any stages of the game..


          Every hero


            For some reason, I can't play lich to save my life. No matter how hard I try to learn him.

            Pizdec RIP August

              Legion Commander 10 game losing streak but eventually i learned a blink is more important than blademail lol


                Lone druid. My 5th most played hero but i have %26 winrate with it. I never tried it after 7.00 tho coz i quit


                  mirana, ench, dp, slardar, windranger


                    tinker , meepo too bad 4 me


                      Puck. I always do well but have no idea how to play it late. Then i fail.


                        Pretty self-explanatory.

                        Ghastly Wail

                          I really tried Invoker, but damn ... No way xD

                          I'm really really bad at Naga Siren, Terrorblade and Chaos Knight ... And every other farm intensive Hero ...

                          Viva la Support Heroes :D


                            Also morph i fucking suck at farming with him


                              @Luxon There are worse bro


                                even though sf is just a braindead clicking hero i suck at him


                                  I also suck dick at spectre but ive only played like 5 games


                                    Bane is easily my worst. Trying to cc a team fight winds up with me nightmaring my carry, ulting a creep, and brain sapping the enemy courier.


                                      aether on storm? the fuck?

                                      Livin' Real Good

                                        Morphling, I was fucking awful at managing agility and strength, sometimes even being solo killed by a lion due to having no strength and then having my team report me. :( Still am bad with him probably.

                                        Ember Spirit is another hero, even if I go try hard, instaloss, and now that he requires a new build, i'm sure i'll be even worse with him.


                                          Wtf is ur profile york?

                                          Negative Mental Attitude

                                            literally every storm spirit game i lose my lane and feed Xd

                                            doc joferlyn simp

                                              Legion Commander. I trid mi best.


                                                Wanna see my legendary 12% alche?


                                                  Mine would be Antimage, Faceless Void


                                                    Alchemist and sf


                                                      terrorblade as n.1 for sure

                                                      also invoker, morphling, huskar
                                                      rubick and ww (though i dont have many games with her)


                                                        well if i was in vhs i dont think i could play anything other than lion or riki... but otherwise ,surprisingly, in my bracket, i think i can somewhat play any hero i took time to learn :v


                                                          Definitely timbersaw and ember. I got like 3 loss in a row before winning a game with them. It always happen with me nowadays i loss my 1-3game then i got like 80% winrate lul


                                                            Cant believe there are smbody who say alch. Hes the most braindead hero next to ns am.


                                                              Wind ranger and oracle


                                                                Ember about 20 games at 20 % windrate till i stopped screwing up


                                                                  Couldn't remember exactly how bad I was at Bane, so I checked my first account, which holds the only Bane games I have ever played.

                                                                  Threw up in my mouth slightly. 11.11% win rate. Never again.

                                                                  Super Senko-san Time


                                                                    Couldn't learn SF for a whole smurf account. NP is forever. Other than that, I couldn't learn about the show from which your profile picture is from.

                                                                    Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                      Moprhling , tried to learn the hero , still garbage with it


                                                                        clinkz 11 games only 1 won.

                                                                        ES roaming supp, 11 games 18% winrate feelsbadman.


                                                                          I just don't want to learn and fix my alche



                                                                            Shikanoko Noko

                                                                              balance spirit. fuck this hero. I will never pick this hero again


                                                                                Storm and earth spirit lul


                                                                                  Jugger. I'm suck at carrying


                                                                                    am morph I dont do well on heroes I cant fight with. also pretty much any support

                                                                                    casual gamer

                                                                                      im also garbage tier morph player, nothing like not breaking 50% when he was broken

                                                                                      Player 345068850

                                                                                        Lc sf earth spirit


                                                                                          Morphling, AM and Mirana. Just can't buy a win with those heroes. On the flip side, there's TA and SF who I sucked with but made an effort to relearn this patch and have been doing reasonably well with 56 and 72% win rates this patch(1st and 3rd most played) though I play in a bracket where people even run TA in dual offlanes so anyone half decent on the hero can run circles around mid players at that level. Then there's Alch who I got gud at in 6.88 and started sucking again in 7.0x.


                                                                                            my furion dabesssssstttttt lul


                                                                                              meepo, invoker, storm, jugg

                                                                                              kunst 2

                                                                                                80% of dota heroes, which I forced to pick in low prio

                                                                                                Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                                                                Badluck x 10⁻²⁴

                                                                                                  Sniper , Sniper, Sniper , Sniper ,Sniper , Sniper.


                                                                                                    Tinker, WR, and Void

                                                                                                    basement :)

                                                                                                      See my MK and Invoker. It is probably the worst out there.