General Discussion

General DiscussionVoid 7.xx

Void 7.xx in General Discussion

    From what I gather the hero is too low tempo for the current fast paced meta because of chrono's long ass cooldown. So how would you play void to make up for this? Change up his role as an offlaner, or change his build? Not sure how to make the hero work.

    1-IceTea 🌟

      Change your skill level



          Thanks for your fucking useless contributions as always lice and salsa.


            Hmm, really makes you think :thinking:

            Bu yorum düzenlendi

              Hmm, really makes you think :thinking:


                Build is still the same, maybe slip in mjolnir as 3rd or 4th item and that's about it
                Hero is fine, but the meta doesn't fit him (meta is too fast faced, the enemy gets a huge window of opportunity when chrono is down)
                Without chrono he can't siege HG that well


                  make him ur pos 1


                    >sub 1k
                    >gets sAfelane
                    But how


                      Dogshit hero that need slight buff to his agi and carrying potential.


                        Thanks for spelling my fucking name wrong as always Daddy


                          No salsa im not spelling your name wrong im just trying to piss you off you worthless cuck.


                            Fucking salsa lookin ass
                            Fucking hot sauce lookin ass
                            Fuckin actual cuck face lookin ass


                              Thing is since void is too slow for an offlane tempo position you think you could run him safelane with an io pairing or some shit?


                                If u rush domi diff on this hero ur right clicks will hit like a truck with wolf creep

                                I think u can deathball off that

                                Also pre-diff u can get lots of solo kills with purge creep

                                But this doesnt showcase the hero being strong but hotd being rly good instead


                                  If u run him safelane i dont think u need a specific support for him since he can trade hits with almost anyone except necro/underlord but i still think u can live the lane with timewalk


                                    I was thinking of running him safe with io because of using relocate to help him stay more active. Though where tf do you find good io's anyway? Maybe building hotd > treads > diffusal > silver edge > mjollnir/ac > aghs(?) > bloodthorn/mkb/skadi luxury shit


                                      SE before manta xddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd


                                        Don't be too dependent on Chrono then, or get another setter. Don't be fully dependent on him to carry the whole team, because unless you're planning to get Aghs, you're pretty much dogshit compared to how he could carry before.


                                          Manta is too slow fam. Rather have initiation earlier. You can always go back for manta if you need

                                          Vem Comigo

                                            old carry void, do a pickup of enemy carry each 60 secs, build boots, MoM, echo ,Mjolnir, crit, assault.


                                              Why tf wud you silence yourself with MoM and buy an echo sabre when you already have so much attack speed. I mean why tf wud u need both?

                                              Vem Comigo

                                                because more attack speed = more attacks = more bashes = bigger dps = more dmg = troll 6.83

                                                Massive Dynamic

                                                  I played Void about a week ago and bought Midas at about 7 or 8 minutes. It really gives a lot to the hero now, considering it gives attack speed, and helps you to access your talents faster. Void gets +15 attack speed at 10, and +25 damage at 15, which is very easy to get quickly in a solo offline with Midas. I l felt like i hit quite hard with just Midas, Vlad's and treads at about the 18 minute mark. Plus his level 25 +600 timewalk range is ridiculous.


                                                    Except for his last talent his other ones seem rlly shit tbh. Except the attack speed one at 10


                                                      In some instances MOM will work but not entirely, I played MOM for about 35mins in the hope that it will work but it didn't. It works well in the Chrono but after that you can't timewalk and thats a fail. I sold it and got a Yasha instead but at that time their Slark was fed and no one could kill him easily and their troll and magnus was good. I ended up carrying the game to victory after that with Mjollnir, Deadalus, Yasha, Butterfly, MKB.


                                                        That build is kinda oldschool and quite chrono reliant
                                                        Not that good


                                                          Hmm, really makes you think thinking :ember


                                                            Hotd/vlad/linken into manta into diffu is pretty much the standard build rn


                                                              I like going hotd into mael/echo as pos 1 void. You can group up with your team early with these items and do a lot of dmg in fights. I carried EE with it


                                                                I actually really like playing offlaner Void, I just build PMS and Iron Talon so that I can fast farm on offlane jungle after clearing out lane creeps and also for fast lvl 6 then gank mid.

                                                                Then build Linkens WINGS Faith_Bian style, Manta, Diffu, Mjolnir, possibly Aghs and Refresher.

                                                                I don't really have problems on Void offlane patch 7.xx.


                                                                  He is dogshit he need hardly line up around his chrono and than fail anyway,but can be played similarly as legion+io offlane vs weaker safelane but its a lot about plays, 2-3k its very rare to play with good early agresive legion, void ....i mean legion on lane, but both are strong and kind of similar with io, couple times i made my void fightable with out chrono, than it is super strong couse he still have chrono as ace


                                                                    Void is trash in the offlane this patch, carry is the only position left to play him


                                                                      I don't see any point in getting dagger now since you'd get it at min 14-16 and reach lvl 25 few minutes later
                                                                      Also I don't like linken on offlane void, he shouldn't be getting that much farm as pos 3 and the utility vlad/hotd offers is better for it's price
                                                                      Pos 1 it's a different story
                                                                      Void as a hero is fine tbh, it's just the meta doesn't fit him that much and on a fast paced meta like this his enemies will have way too much timing window to shit on void


                                                                        Excuse me I would like to refute that statement that Void is trash in the offlane this patch but what can I say I'm just a 4k scrub T_T.

                                                                        Well anyways about the line up thing if you first pick void and type this is offlaner void its all up to your teammates what the game will become because this also happened to me, my teammates picked Slark and Lc which don't pair up really well with void I mean why they don't know how to draft What DaH**L?

                                                                        Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                          Offlane void gets too pressured now, he is too passive to handle the aggression. Thats why i think maybe a faster tempo pos 1 role may be better. Just get a few items and begin ganking on chrono cooldown. And the whole point is that i know that void doesnt fit the meta, but i wanted to know if you guys cud think of a way to play void to help alleviate this.

                                                                          casual gamer

                                                                            void is trash in the offlane this patch

                                                                            every time a void on my team buys linkens he is 100% useless

                                                                            respawn talents mean that even if you only land amazing chronos ur going to be unable to push objectives because ur shits on cd. if you miss 1 chrono you will lose buildings. more importantly you will not have chrono for every fight because the fighting is constant


                                                                              Theres a respawn talent on void? huh didn't know about that.

                                                                              Actually about Linkens on Void there's a lot of times and I experienceed it that I should had been delayed on using chrono on enemies but Linkens blocked those projectile stuns and then the chrono was spot on so I'm defenitely not gonna scrap Linkens on my Void because it happened many times on me already.


                                                                                You do not play void linkens.
                                                                                He's situational but even then he's still bad. I'd say blink, vlads aghs maybe but honestly I can't think of a better way to play void. He's a terrible carry ATM and is only useful for his ult


                                                                                  Why tf wudu blink on void when he can get the timewalk range. I think that going eaely fighting build like treads > helm > diffusal/yasha/mael > buy diffusal if you didnt > manta/mjollnir > silver edge/butterfly/ac

                                                                                  casual gamer

                                                                                    enemy respawn talents are a problem is what im saying

                                                                                    blink can be good i think idk


                                                                                      Yeah I'll also try that HOTD on Void.


                                                                                        Helm meta on everyone lol


                                                                                          I feel like blink sucks now cuz void lacks damage, and blink gives none, and it becomes obsolete lategame when he has the timewalk range


                                                                                            That's level 25, if the game goes that long then you can carry but I doubt you'll get level 25 in most games, blink allows you to get good chronos and win fights as long as your team can fight with your ult.


                                                                                              As void you really don't want to be the only one dealing damage by level 25 anyways, but yes sell blink if you are already 5 slotted and have the gold for another item. Games don't usually last that long anymore.
                                                                                              In the end void isn't good right now (imo) I'm sure some people will have success with void soon enough with new builds or something so give it time, or try something out for yourself


                                                                                                Pretty sure the radiance void build is still dead :(




                                                                                                    Kelly still spends more time spamming :thinking: than playing the game I see


                                                                                                      Really makes you think :thinking:


                                                                                                        But void usually doesnt need blink, and if he needs mobility then get a shadow blade, it scales so much better