General Discussion

General Discussiontinker stuff, etc

tinker stuff, etc in General Discussion

    played tinker yesterday and got countered so hard and im playing against anti tinker lineup spectre,zeus,silencer,ns, and sb. and i survived until late game and then start losing coz i really dont know what items do i have to buy :). what item choice do i have to buy ? do i really need a bkb, or any items with surviving ability like euls, fs and eb?

    feel free to give advice or anything

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      FS? Eblade is a must-have on Tinker. No other way you can guarantee physical damage protection. Lotus Orb is by far a better dispel item than Eul's. Scythe can also be used for defense (sheep a charging Bara etc) as much as it can be used for offense.


        i already bought a scythe and im like 7 slotted in that situation, but which item do i have to buy first to survive from the global silence, zeus ult and spec with an abbysal? is it bkb or eb? considering i have lack of money.


          its actually silver edge

          since you know you can rearm it


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            get a normal itembuild and just position urself properly
            or get euls if u know how to dota


              i dont se u played tinker cant tell what u did that game

              casual gamer

                get a normal itembuild and just position urself properly

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                  Ye im very good at positioning myself against haunt. I always make sure the haunt illusion gets confused and starts hitting creeps. Positioning is key against haunt.

                  casual gamer

                    it is though, because you can blink away from radiance haunt illusion with rearm, if the enemy team does not immediately disable you

                    WAY TO BE A SMARTASS


                      How do u blink out of rad? Honestly thats kinda nuts.


                        That still has nothing to do with positioning thats just being rlly skilled at tinker and having an apm of over 9000.

                        casual gamer

                          spam clicking, rad ticks slowly


                            rearm refreshes blink cd, rad ticks every 0.5 sec afair, u have a 0 to 0.5 sec gap to blink out, depending on ur luck


                              So basically pray to allah. Spec cud just abyssal you too ya know.

                              Riguma Borusu

                                face where you are blinking, then rearm and spam blink


                                  as soon as you finish re arm, you have about under a second to blink which is by far enough if you ... know exactly when you're finishing rearm cause it deals damage in 1 second ticks
                                  same with battle hunger, and make sure you threw a laser while you sit and rearm to blink... the attack is probably what fucks up your rearm blink rather than rad


                                    i blink out of meepos lul.. radi fireblast veno ulti is easy as fuck


                                      Ye but the spec shud just go something like rad yasha abyssal right? Wont she just abyssal you? Or throw spectral dagger on you?

                                      casual gamer

                                        abyssal is mcuh rarer than manta / heart. if you get the initial blink away a safe tp is usually easy


                                          btw this is the match , well even i could blink out, they forced me back to fountain, and when i came back, i couldnt save my team coz they're already dead :))


                                            low lasthits low hero dmg low timing items bad pick vs those heroes bad item choice

                                            casual gamer

                                              in the ultra lategame i get greaves against silencer

                                              analytical analizer

                                                lotus orbs probably more utility

                                                casual gamer


                                                  greaves gives tinker more mana than any other item in the game, in addition to the dispel, aura, and infinite mana to allies

                                                  lotus actually costs a decent amount of mana and has mediocre stats IMO

                                                  casual gamer

                                                    greaves is a sr / bs replacement.

                                                    lotus is a utility item

                                                    utility items that arent hex strike me as terrible on tinker

                                                    im sure some game has been won by spamming echo shell, but i would never do it

                                                    analytical analizer

                                                      oh lel i didnt see it was about tinker my bad


                                                        neither lotus neither greaves go on tinker ever


                                                          Ur right pipe does. U can stack it now and just give ur whole team like a 2000 dmg spell shield 4Head

                                                          Won't care, Don't care. XD

                                                            linken dude, wtf.

                                                            you got SB there, build linken, so you know when he is charging you/they know where are you, so you must back, and you know there is ward in cliff if you get charged.

                                                            linken for SB
                                                            hex for specter (when she haunt, hex the illusion)
                                                            lotus orb/eul can be usefull for debuff silence

                                                            you actually can use smoke farming to avoid ganked too.

                                                            buy 1 smoke every 10 min, and stack it, to use later.

                                                            Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                              any tinker item that isn't BoTs or blink and doesn't give raw mana goes into the trash


                                                                Thats so retarded. Eblade, dagon, r rlly shit items on tinker i guess. What do i know?


                                                                  dagon gives heaps of int you mong
                                                                  and eblade is shit unless it's a really specific game

                                                                  eblade still gives int anyway it's just less optimal than a hex or other items

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